
2/24/19 Pastor Osteen's The Joshua Generation

Category: /General/
Thanks for sharing this message, God Almighty and Mighty God of Jesus Christ.
The Israelites never made it to the Promised Land because they complained and had wrong mindsets even though Moses led them.
You raised up Joshua to lead their children and descendants into the Promised Land.
I am apart of the Joshua Generation.
My parents and ancestors laid the foundation.
Favor is coming in a new way.
Exodus 14:13-14
I need to stand still and watch Your mighty efforts.
You are breaking the forces that have hindered the family You have given me.
I will go where the family has not gone.
You are about to show Your power, Lord.
You are about to show the surpassing greatness of Your heavy favor.
You are not limited by what I do not have.
You have Supernatural Power.
You are for me.
You have a way.
Walls are coming down.
The Joshua Generation means that I will not live like those who have lived before me.
I am the Joshua Generation and You have generational blessings in store.
You have put things in the family's spirits as seeds.
The next generation will see harvests from seeds that I didn't sow.
Future generations will see generational blessings.
There are things that my parents and other family members have dreamed about and believed for.
Everything I need to take new ground has already been lined up.
I need to sow seeds of kindness so that the students, graduates and other members of the flock will reap a harvest.
My prayer is that they will reap harvests of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ, who is our Lord and Savior.
You have been breathing on our family lines even when I didn't know it.
I need to watch and see.
You want me to take new ground in the family as well in the field of work.
I want to excel as an Assistant and I can serve You through helping others.
I want to excel in order to glorify You and I can help others without taking over anyone's job.
You are giving me wisdom beyond what You have taught me in school.
Psalm 110
You are giving me new ground.
I have not seen anything yet.
You are about to give me ground that I didn't grow up with.
Amen, thank You.

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