
2/5/19 Hour-Long Pastor Joel Osteen's You Are Fully Loaded

Category: /General/
My prayer is that the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Hillsong Channel and the Smile of a Child Channel will overcome the technical difficulties due to interference since last Thursday in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Thank You, God, for allowing the Daystar Channel to work and I am asking that You continue to allow the Channel to work in the name of Jesus Christ, our God in the flesh.
Mercy is nourishment, which puts us in right standing with You.
Mercy is protection from judgment.
You see us as righteous because of what You have done on the Cross for us.
Mercy is Your favor and Your understanding.
Mercy is Your compassion and Your compassion.
Mercy is Your encouragement and mercy is Your covering.
The assignment You have given me is to make a difference in the lives of youth.
You are already working in me.
I am Your workmanship according to Ephesians 2:10.
We cannot get saved by good works.
You have saved us by Your grace through faith according to Ephesians 2:8.
Your gift of salvation is a free gift.
The good work that works in us will make us more obedient.
You have provided ways of escape from temptation.
You won't open a door that I am not ready for.
Good means pleasing and honorable to You.
Romans 12:2
I need to defeat evil with good.
I need to be patient.
I need to be a Faithful and Obedient Servant.
I can write articles on the phone.
I am walking into the assignment You have given me.
You are an Awesome God.
You are a Champion.
You are Victorious.
You are wearing the Victor's crown.
You are a Strategic God.
You carefully studied the plan for the life You have given me.
You have given me the gift of creativity.
I need to have a new perspective.
You don't make mistakes.
In Ephesians 2:10, You say we are Your masterpiece.
I need to be what You have called me to be.
If I had what the teachers and others had, it would not be a blessing but a burden.
What You made for the teachers and others was not designed for me.
I need to be myself.
I need to be me.
Nobody can beat me at being me.
I am anointed to be me.
I can be behind the scenes.
When I am me, I can activate the anointing You have given me.
I can serve You through helping others.
I am fully loaded for the race that is designed for me.
I am not in the same race as the teachers.
I need to run my race.
Reality is a test.
True friends show up when we succeed.
I am not a Teacher and I don't have to be a teacher to make a difference in the lives of the youth.
Your ways are not my ways.
You have given us different gifts and talents according to the abilities You have given us.
You are Sovereign.
I am not cut out to be a teacher.
I am not capable of being a teacher.
I need to be strong.
People mean well.
I don't have to have a great gift for You to use me in a great way.
I need to be faithful with the gift of writing.
There is nothing ordinary about me.
You have given me the gift of writing.
You have given me gifts, creativity and dreams.
Genesis 17
Amen, thank You.

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