

Category: /Nation/Word/
Nation is an interesting word, it has six letters, this in part signifies that with six and three letters for length; that by the tribe and ways, matched to the heavens, legal limit with length. The word desires a word Assembly. The word Nation was designed to want such a word as Assembly to support it. The tree letters of six imply going on matters under the Sun church ways. So the word holds matters of great sincerity…meaning there may be life or death matters to consider as well that basic fitness to the most ancient organized tribal ways are upheld at times or at least allowance for such an assessment.

The "N" in the word already with letter count say's, with the "N" understood as basic worship, with heavens above at Noah time and used as gate words, (Words that are meant to carry meaning for fitness sake and completeness to sharing basic rights of knowledge of the Noah tribe he the feature), that it involves a large number of beings leading to meaning a Government exists. The "N" also holding the four basic or three divine ways that the "L" is seen in the heavens. This alone could mean and has an imply that adult with mature beings are of importance.

To look at the heart letter to see of what concern the first letter maybe, which is a "T" sign of Southern Cross it as well seen three times of a year that match parts of the "N" implying backbone matters concerning at least preserving respects for elders toward Noah. It express a spine or backbone situation with a limit of sincerity or skill level with a total of four thousand years gauge time. Room for sum and total with assessment skills become of importance proving mature from adult is most preferred in or about the word.

Now with a look at the second letter which holds a "T" in Two as well "W" proving enough explanation is out there and an adult society, basically by Law should be able to be fit to elder ways about the Father Noah with his Maker and God system. The "W" insisting with an "A" that all ritual parts of meeting such skills of assembly again or Gather with government need be, to support this much of the word…Nat.

The next letter an "I" ninth or none a at all if there is no reason for a fit Man for Priestly management in the fourth place with "R" for and insisting on a titled being. The word suggests a chosen person is involved with this word and such ones using such a word comes from a similar form of word meaning that has a father Noah. The word as well suggest the form may be long last but managers change Tote and Tate with state now ande ending "E" moves and links to the next letter.

This letter is an "O" a sight post it is fifth and with five another "E" exist for sight and Notice. This helps for season with July a length for "H or K" or any with a right upright, which allows for speaking or talk chief or King. It is apparent now that past the, Nat, the word is now expressing terms of leadership forms commonly known toward the King system of the Noah being, a system that partnered and fellow-ed with Priest. The "I and O" parts with an "R" above and about it suggests a system of gage and with last letter an "N" for again the same meaning as toward the start "N" suggest a system that goes beyond a single mortals existence.

The whole word starting in "N" and ending in "N" the workings of the Gut letters allow a system that holds hope for a ritual manner concerned with Noah that had a more Winter time high equinox time of founding agreements that seem to be altered at a September time beginning of Autumn. It suggest the word support Noah and does so in a complete beginning to end and beyond fashion… as well says that it is something that is achieved and bestowed gained through an effort one that concerns Noah as the word Nation is supposed too.

This pretty much is what is commonly known of Nation, It is a collection of beings managing in a responsible manner that reflects and exists in the spirit of the father which is Noah on high or lessor of a founding existence of anything known as Nation. It implies by insistence of elders that there is a space with Mars as basic head, heavenly post for any part other than mortal. The limit to prove what a nation is real or not is bound by the "T" suggesting four thousand years.

By Michael Pinger "Yaw!" 4/24/18

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