
Head an interesting word!

Category: /Head/Word/
Head: Head is an interesting word, lets see if it holds more than most people know or have for some time. The first letter is an “H” it fits the “O” in one, this helps gauging and good reason for God to be.
He or the pointer much like with Satan which really in part is a mountain the great holy elders after and before meeting of the Tribe of Lemech with they of Opus. It was used to site to the heavens, so the tribe could found Time limits with bounds for day, week, month and year.

This was expressed with Sat and Say of the So. How the Chief by Number his tribe managed Satan is kind of they not just by that name but the number under such point Set...the individuals had different names. There was a Family that carried the name for explanation of ancient history. So the “G” was founded which holds meaning as seventh letter more nature bound with planing of seed and such.

This means with the peg set from a “C” and star system pond that figuratively represents the small number of tribe, the letter bar set, means checked with precision or do so with proper respects for the good of the tribe social and civic best hopes. The “D” at the end means the pointer has a process with bound and limit even degree, with the “O” as heart on the word God which is an inspection tool. God protects now individual letters to great depth or units like a whole word.

Now back to the “H” in old both uprights for basic meaning are like seasons, the cross bar can be thought of planing and after harvest, time. This way the letter holds nature as well meeting before another by representing matters ancient, that reveals good faith a theme to be kept for Noah and his tribes sake, which protects the elder truths, through he. It allows for partner and fellow as well follow.
So what ever the words with an “H” as lead letter has a value that relates in some way to social and civic dealings, it will help define bounds and limits.

The heart letter is an “A” which in old is formed by a closed top or pinched “H” a most primitive sign of logic meaning a time past or unit defined complete or life lived orr agreement going a legal distance.
The letter represents a simple sense of the Sun shines on both sides of the mountain when directly above it equally. A word that supports this is Law or a form as good as and “R” which holds process for finding and solving matters, that can be Set and Sat or even Sot or sought. Room for solid or hollow still exist, but what ever is left of the word with Two letters now a “W” as heart data is dealt with or subjects to concerns about the Tribe of Noah exist and that is good because Noah has an “A” as heart letter. Since it is Three in place the move for and reason for a Tower become obvious the “R” as heart in Three leaves room for it the double “EE” for sight both eye's in Look with Babylon and then Baghdad the resting place of Noah. This way the Mountain part can be protected and under Noah protection.

What ever the word with an “H” as first with an “A” as heart letter from now on concerns, the health and well being of they true to the Noah being and his best concerns for the Tribe. Be it in science, living, governments or even Worship...these two letters and their placement will always be of such concerns. This will be with proper bound and limits agreeable and agreed upon, that can be proven with room or tolerance allowed. This also suggests strongly now that the word has an environment tending toward the number one approaching so with God as pointer now allowing going...the rest of the word letters encompasses the ideals of what we have found. The only thing left is concern for disciplines about what we have found, so far.

The next letter is an “E” which is three “L” to form for time length allowance, with seeing and sight concerns for Notice. So the word with this letter in number two spot suggest learned and practiced, gained things for comparisons that deal with what we have gained so far about what meanings the word holds, it wants skilled beings to exist. It beckons on it's own that mankind at least they trying to be true to Noah and his being at least make and effort to understand simple basics and remain in act and being on behalf of his desires best for the tribe of mankind. What ever is left of the word it has spirit or encourage a godly spirit that is concerned about Noah his tribe and promoting basic good for the tribe.

Any word that starts “Hea” has all this already going for it of skills desired or to be gained about Noah and his Tribe and they elder in respects for value. So when it comes to the last letter a “D” which holds a “C” of fourth place with a upright mostly a Summer one for starts and an autumn one for ends of which this is to for a “D” complete unit.

The word holds meaning about Noah and the Tribes concerns in a more humanistic way, pointing to firsts, with social and civic concerns or greater, that preserve the spirit of Noah's best hopes and wishes for his tribe, past, person, place or thing, coming, going or in transition now with a fix called; Head, for desire to find an equilibrium set and solid to continue to represent Noah and his best wishes for his tribe. This allows for other matters to come to be, with work for judging good or bad of being. The word has importance as a value; while, designating, position, place or point or ability to act in regulating such processes.

By Michael Pinger Yaw 5/8/18

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