
Coming of Christ

Category: /General/

We don’t want to be uninformed,
About anyone who’s asleep;
No hope of not being transformed,
For grieving that will make you weep.

Since we believe Christ died and rose,
The same for believers who sleep;
For God will be bringing back those,
All of the souls that He did keep.

For this, we declare from the Word,
That we who will be still alive;
Until the coming of the Lord,
Are revived when He does arrive.

For He will descend from Heaven,
Upon hearing the trumpet sound;
A new life will then be given,
And then they will be Heaven-bound.

Then those left who are still alive,
Will be then caught up in the clouds;
Our spirit will then arrive,
In Heaven away from the crowds.

That will be where the Lord will greet,
Also encouraged by His Word;
And the time when we also meet,
Knowing the truth that we have heard.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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