
Christ in Your Home

Category: /General/

Wives, submit to your husband,
As is fitting in the Lord;
Every minute and second,
Never let them be ignored.

Husbands, always love your wife,
Never to be harsh to them;
Showing honor through your life,
And never try to condemn.

Children obey their parents,
This is pleasing to the Lord;
When showing obedience,
It puts them in one accord.

Never provoke your child,
Lest they become discouraged;
And they will be defiled,
And they will become ravaged.

Servants obey your masters,
Sincere hearts will fear the Lord;
Never being down casters,
Let not their words be ignored.

Work heartily what you do,
For the Lord and not for man;
Diligently to pursue,
In following His plan.

From the Lord that you should know,
An inheritance to reward;
Allows the blessings to flow,
For you are serving the Lord.

The wrongdoer will be paid back,
Because the wrong that was done;
Respect for others you lack,
Disrespects also the Son.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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