
Letter of Complaints against the Christians that are not jews and what they are doing to me!

Category: /Letter/Complaints/Evil/God/
This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Aptment 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304. I have done a work and sorry XXX I was attacked by the lind of Scientology back then being smart asses and they made a mess for me but I suffered and did what I could while they defiled the element Me and mankind with others that ran amouck and now defile me and the planet claiming they are Brahma or Vesnu some even try God....but I couldn't find the Lord about anyone of them as they defile and defile....they should be taught that a Lord is in regards to Calendar and Jehovah and had no right or has no right to force me to be a scientologist or a Catholic or do odd things with silly puddy and music made from a poke and a Gay move by an englishmen and use me as their pawn for thrity years without honoring the ritual day Month a Year from some energy glob buried in the ground doing demon tricks. I hope the Lind the Lord and Lorre figure that out as well Loftgren and Lilligren. And the ones tryong to do Exercist from Hollywood and pull me into the ground are just as sick all caused lose of Life...I'm not going for it nor the ones defiling me with machine shop things or Anoka Tec things I wrote them and the school district years ago and reporteed it for the sake of the Kids. Yet I'm defiled by those on a Magic Bus ( They and Zappa wondering who put rock and roll in the Toilet) every sunday and a school desk by Alice cooper fans even after I said prayers and his Poke at John lennon making Elton John feel good.and I'm not the Queen of Englands play toy even though Protestants and Methodist and even at times her come along and help a sick bunch.

Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 06:31:05 PM CDT
Subject: Some seem to wrapped up in Evil and defiling from the ground mine left to space I can't do much but pray and suffer,

A work on Word that rebukes even the worst of defiler calling himself Lord yet defiles people and planet and does not keep a heavens above !

Dear Rabbi at Beth Mormons Baptists: This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Apt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304. Some best brush up on do they have a real Lord that supports Calendar or not. Enjoy and thanks I prayed and fasted last night till Six today for your day of Remeberance and for help while I am defiled the planet and mortals by the works of the Evil one and heretics that became energy and thought they could steal something from me and God from me they suceeded hope they enjoy the result!

Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 04:55:59 PM CDT

Subject: Fw: The word Work by some evil Chriistians is being defiled it damages all of the Americans the Christians do anyways they profane Vesnu and Great God.

Dear Sheriff Israel Babylonian Jew Rabbi: This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Apt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304 just wanted to say thanks for the Birthday "L" or "d" I ate a lot this one! offered it up to God and Noah!

Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 04:52:02 PM CDT

Subject: Fw: The word Work by some evil Chriistians is being defiled it damages all of the Americans the Christians do anyways they profane Vesnu and Great God.

Dear News Entertainer Guild: This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Apt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55404. Excuse me Hubbard!

Subject: Fw: The word Work by some evil Chriistians is being defiled it damages all of the Americans the Christians do anyways they profane Vesnu and Great God.

Dear Greek, Presidential Prayer team, Harvard ancient history theology: This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Apt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304. Enjoy a work on Work it applys to Word as well as somebody demon attacked me and said he is going to use my every word against me. My common talk is basicially in range other than when attacked then I get a bit gross the one being a procurser and going to manage everything I say and do for Vesnu a fake evil one that don't tend to his own name and prayer duty it works for Name with the "N" in Vesnu and Nepal the "E for Elders sits right with the N in Vesnu and how the empire of God moves "N" as it works with the word Time. Sorry you didn't listen from the start of evil doing bad I told you I didn't want to hurt you America and I didn't but these that defiled and drve a whole area to the underground and sodomize me to try and make me a Scientologits or drive me back to the Catholic church which is not about God's work and I will not ruined America before me and God and all other Holy before the God being became!

Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 04:19:01 PM CDT

Subject: Fw: The word Work by some evil Chriistians is being defiled it damages all of the Americans the Christians do anyways they profane Vesnu and Great God.

Dear Israel Babylonian Jew Rabbi: This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Apt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304. Demons the same work applys for Talk the "K" with May and time for "U" anything that covers All with September and "L" These that defiled and betrayed did hidious evil not just to me as they rap and defile and do odd things, to me and all while trying to create odd things and do odd things with Time...it is a Evil one not of God Vensu Christ or Jehovah.With that work it makes them evil to Zues too and his conversion they wondered how to set the word with a J and V off or on when they scambled the word Greeny and made Energy of the match up in Work and Wor(ld) they profane both September and December the Calendar totally ten or twelve.

Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 03:56:40 PM CDT

Subject: The word Work by some evil Chriistians is being defiled it damages all of the Americans the Christians do anyways they profane Vesnu and Great God.

Dear Rabbi Sheriff and Bishop: This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Appt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304. It pays to suffer for God's sake when being played on by a fraud. The work of Americans is just getting started and could have gone easier if evil hadn't set in that Profanes Jehovah Vesnu and Chrisst with God.

Occupy is a neat word. It has much to do with October

the Fourth letter is a "U" which stands for September

and Gather sometimes refers to a great meeting at Baghdad

Alter which is God head, head of the God being and the

walnut the Dad part the Hindu works talk about.

That means we are all bound by the Time of Great God

and confines of the Roar Time when Law was set down that

Nations were to be fit to Iran and Man's Alter as Nations

before Baghdad will listen or before you try to go to them

and ask them to or for a Change in your Nations status.

Occupation is about the same the Fourletter about Movement

for all a "U" thing and Laws set down for all to manage by

until ready for metting for all Nations at Baghdad. The Two

"C" are dividing points which sets October off from November

a New start from the End of Autumn. The ones that use the

word and Bible falsely and are trying to defile people with

their Job things like Tool and Die and Machinist things are

all profane to God October their own family names prayer

and worship. They are a mockery to existance and Life on

a Living World. The word Work goes with the word Lite and

Jehovah time same number of letters and calendar change

from Ten Month to Twelve the World Calendar of which the

check time wasn't up yet so they used the word Work the

"K" at the end as a Command letter by the Godly and Lords

to say about progress of the Check or check of something

other than the Calendar ritually set down by all to follow

as Baghdad could take no sway or change until a ritual time

was complete so everyone was told to send part to the scandy

area to help haul minerals for the great Heater to warm the

people working to survay and settle that area. the "L

and D" are left out of the word to signify that a ritual

tiime and check on the twelve month Calendar was not

complete yet. These as that has all been done of the demon

defiling are all insane to the Time and Buisness at hand

they are profane to the Bible statement Jehovah and all of

the God forms for the World Calendar set...they should have

gone on to above rather than tried to lay in the planet

giving commands and rapping the people and ruining our

Goverment and Nation and all the progress it had made until

the demons acted up at Reagan time. Demons shouldn't have

tool and Die things or Machinist things at all and the fools

defiling mankind and planet are sick ill and evil to be

turned away from and get to ones own post and prayer above.

They took such a word back then during the Election and

started working me over and the area...I turned them in when

the finally would listen but they haven't stopped the ones

using warner Bros Catoons and hollywood movies are the evilist...

they profane Professions as well. The fourth letter "F" and

start of Fall and Autumn months and have profaned me every

day for over thirty years with prayer and Complaints filed...

I still have to file a complaint to the sheriff and Christian

churches of which they belong too many from this area that

thought they could gain powers by damageing me. They are no good.

Such one doing as such and calling out Vesnu are all Profaners

and Evil to he because the word Work was a Command from Baghdad

same letters in the word Vesnu in fact it sets in the "N" Or

without the first letter "V" and Elders of his name. So it is

easier to turn away from the fraud evil when our Nations work

is to become proper and can't because of such demons defiling

planet and mankind as well as profaning Vesnu that Knows better.

They are the Evil the Anti Christ. If and why the "D" which fits

in that "U" spot because it was a command until a September

ritual done. These profane the World and it isn't Vensu because

he would be known as a stoop and Evil if he accepted any of what

the demons defiling are doing Baghdad would never accept it.

It would profane Dor and his sect the Devil so it is just the

Evil ones that defile. He has to worry about Methods or the "R"

never becomes he is no better or less than a common man doing

rightful methods set down by God or he isn't nothing but an

Ill that Dor would have to pay for deputy should watch out for

that and get to space and leave people be or he is lost to all

deity Dor and Vesnu as a profaner. When they were to make certain

they remaind of proper Methods and that is mortals do their

jobs in making a Nation ritually fit for the God being. They

should leave of their part other like Mine do for God and

Dors sake Vesnu too.

If it hasn't got to do with getting America fit to stand with

the other nations that did right pray yours go to heavens

space and ancestors away from the evil one and anti Christ

playing on us let them take the blame and have a place fit

for when your mortal parts dies. Pray yours abide by this

as I do mine.

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