
Such Things As and not to Mention the bitters of an Energy Whale Chuck!

Category: /Month's, Calendar, Life, God, Being/
Have a Good July!

Have a good July...the letter and subject to seek is the "U" spot second. This means Categories ( Like Season, Government ) are a good thing to as a Family to review....How are you doing as a Father...with Government assuring to your spouse and Children...That your own family name has a Duty and Job no matter what Nation you are in to uphold Form of the God being with Baghdad waiting for Nations fit enough to be known as Man and blessed by proofs before Managers of Iran...that one is doing its' best to be fair and proper as possible to Iran on Basic learning skills that include Planets above with places for each Nation to manage under its' Banner such as American and that such ones keep form for management and blessing with Iran under God Baghdad's eye's. That fits the "J" of Ju with teaching about ritual lengths for Basic Day and Year by Month with heavenly places above with Mars held as most important. That provides a heart letter of the word "L" so now you have an understanding for as much of the word as Jul and the last letter making it July the "Y" is important to the being as a whole God and the Month of May which sits right across from October end to November and providing Lips which goes for the most part and why scholarly assemblies are used at houses set done in old Baghdad with Mans house Iran all nations fit to what has been given to complete of which Iran works with Man ( The Nations fit and operating with ritual acts complete and ritually kept through education of people by Government) at which Time Iran askes for Iraq and Baghdad with Nepal to asses and allow guidance at a complete loop of four hundred years with the Pulsar at its' outer most turning point time at which an "I" becomes active for Issue time as a First and Third letter in the alphabet. To know July this way helps keep one fit to the heavens and God being and a better supporter of your Government throughout your Days. July by name is a Good month to contemplate such matters as an Individual and the Institutions under which our Government for America the Republic stands and operates in fellowship with God Jehovah and his Christ and Allah.

Lets Make America good to the Great of God and fitter towards Iran for Blessing; before, God's High House and assembly Baghdad. By understanding July for what the letters stand for and become a better person and persons in so doing.

Math July!

Have a Good July the Month Name has some Math qualities in basic...It turns out it is the Month of Capacity and Volumes the X to X^2 to X^3 of Months, if you understand the progressions and usage of Proportion math. L=X so Y times X equals area but what is the Potential "J" of depth times that XYZ = U which is a X^3 result. results equals how many Group, Gather or Subject the assembly of an Item that can stand as One unit or address a Unity of One the best know why there is only One God...because they are the ones that proved the Math systems of basic Ratio and Proportion math work and declarer it the Basic all need to be taught to use correctly... all of which fit the X, X^2, X^3 parts of basic proportion and Ratio math. Good things to contemplate on study review keep a personal School about on the planet and for Part other at Planets above. I pray my own go be fit to help heavens school for America name and Title with others sincere. It isn't very hards and you start to like distance from the Subject a bit more because you start to see more that one can normally understand of the Good and Bad of it. But with faith and ones going staying fit faith and prayer become important when one stand a bit alone because he knows and got pushed until bounds of Honorable caused hardship and forced me to stand a bit aside.


Spirals are no good, but for art and Mechanical things or for Stars exploring in space.
The Artistic things near the Anis and throat neck of sea food and lower life forms build
Such shells for themselves even the Coachella Shell is from a real low life form and is used
By some to glorify they that were elders that taught with part other than mortal doing its'
Job in space. It was taught and lived as they became Nations with a God house Baghdad
and Iran for Man the church parts with nations names of the elders houses before such
art works were even created through worship of the Zodiac stars with Moon Solar Sun parts
And Moon Lunar for ritual time with year…but mainly by four season's and ten year calendar.
When they did art work it had already been done by China and Nepal with Iraq and Baghdad
with an Iran…in fact during a squabble that the Hun relent and Mongols and stand away from
the land and nation for Mans house to be. Of which they honored and all such houses a few others and Cyprus and Sicily heads of lands yet to be known as Greece. Which was one of the outer places
To become after Nepal was settled for Noah to bring forth Priest and at times rulers for Baghdad.
When such houses were in order the Art started with respect to the fact that such first Nations, had as a people worshipped for at least a Thousand yet close to ten thousand years but the first thousand years making record and filling out family names with Planets Mars for their families to worship with offerings for their Nations Names from solar so each planet of the divine had part of the So management for their own nation at Mars Neptune and Jupiter and Uranus the Hand with Saturn the Pants for the Governments still to provide all of its' people. As well Laws to Live by with how to pray and go to planets assigned. That is what the art work is about and why it is mainly art work of what the elder planets and their part other did and all Nations to come to be had to complete respecting Iran with its' requirements to be met before Baghdad and Iraq God's high house.

The Ones hanging around that don't honor their offered prayer nor the way of the Elders right now are harming America and being completely rude to they who are managers be it Maker, Jehovah, Vesnu and Eloha and finally God the one chose to lead with the Church Called the World with a Twelve Month Calendar. Not one of the elder Deity would dive in the ground or mess with Mankind
Because it is against what they promised through founding God. For they are to be at Mars and Neptune and Jupiter for certain keeping elder basics with all knowing they are there. God was created in a way that all requirements of Mans house must be met all elder parts have Baghdad and Iraq and the Holy parts of Iran and anyone in other nations of family names have heaven above to go and tend never defiling the planet nor molesting mortal man. It was decided at Mighty or Almighty God times as the High Priest of God Holy Satan set down before man and Nations what they had to make right to before Iraq Baghdad other than a Great with Invite then never; again, until all requirements for both and all Nation with Church of a Nation had met its' requirements and gain blessings of basic ways before Peoples of Iraq or Iran out at other Nations were to be bothered or fight about past mortal intervention the Part other and Mortal were to keep attentions to the heavens and basics which stress part other go to Mars at least don't molest planet or mankind.
So it is impossible for any deity past mortal ambassador to be about and his parts true to leaving and keeping elder school at the Planets Mars, Neptune and Jupiter. There shouldn't be some demon trying to drive your personal thoughts if Holy they would be fleeting anyways to elder parts in space.

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