
The Servant Mission

Category: /General/

God created Heaven and earth,
Stretched them in the vastness of space;
Spread out the earth to give new birth,
As the Lord was shedding His grace.

He gave breath to all His creatures,
And a spirit who walks in it;
Righteousness to all that features,
Holiness is what they merit.

He has called us in righteousness,
Taking you by the hand to keep;
And blessing you with graciousness,
Watching over you as you sleep.

For He gives a new covenant,
A new light for all the nations;
To stretch over each continent,
Establishing His relations.

He opens the eyes of the blind,
Freeing prisoners from the dark;
Loosening any chains that bind,
A free will where they will embark.

For He is the Lord our God,
And glory goes to no other;
To whom you shall honor and laud,
With praises for not another.

The former things have come to pass,
As the new things He will declare;
As the old will wither like grass,
Before they spring forth as to share.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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