
Majestic Power

Category: /General/

Let God arise to scatter foe,
Those who hate Him shall flee away;
Because of His wrath, they do know,
Since Satan made them disobey.

For as smoke has driven away,
The wax melts before the fire;
The wicked perish since they stray,
Upon their earthly desire.

But the justified shall be glad,
As they rejoice exalting God;
Jubilant with joy and not sad,
While they still honor and laud.

Sing praise to the name of the Lord,
Lift up a song throughout the land;
His name can never be ignored,
As well as what He does command.

Father unto all the orphans,
And protector of the widows;
Comfort to relieve their burdens,
While their joyous praise bellows.

God sets the lonely at home.
Leads captives to prosperity;
Stop the rebellious where they roam,
When confessed stops iniquity.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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