
The New Covenant

Category: /General/

Behold, the days are coming near,
When God makes a new covenant;
Be gracious in praise and revere,
To the Lord and be reverent.

Not like the covenant before,
When He took you out of the land;
To the place that He will ensure,
The milk and honey will be grand.

This covenant makes with your house,
Putting His Law deep within them;
To live easily with your spouse,
Rest assured not to condemn.

No longer teaching your neighbor,
Know the Lord for they shall know Him;
And assist them with their labor,
So life will no longer be grim.

God will forgive them of their sin,
Remember transgressions no more;
So that their new life can begin,
For the Lord will give them a cure.

He gives the sun for light of day,
The moon and stars for light by night;
The sea waves roar as they obey,
For the Lord of power and might.

Then shall the offspring of the land,
Ceasing from being a nation;
And before the Lord, they will stand,
Whether He will give salvation.

If Heaven above be measured,
Foundations of the earth explored;
You will see what God has treasured,
And you will be in one accord.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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