21st century clothing
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21st century clothing
Fashion comes and goes.
It brings performance,
Romance, and world issues.
Fabrics that take time to decompose,
And, others who eat rags,
Being garments of so many.
Sustainability has to be real,
In architecture, in engineering,
In everyday fashion.
Before, they were dressed in real fur,
But nowadays,
Killing a baby seal is pure cowardice.
Fashion has been present since Antiquity
The truth is, time passes,
Brings a new revamp.
And, still stylists in their egos,
They charge millions for a simple dress,
That at the corner store at home,
It had been made, by the old seamstress.
And so, the modern man,
It's on its way.
Fashion, it's not just the catwalk,
Nor fights as we saw in the versions of the soap operas Ti Ti Ti,
Novels that addressed the topic: Fashion.
But the sustainable society of the century is a problem. XXI.
And at this point, I thank my youngest daughter, and her teachers at Etec José Rocha Mendes, for teaching me too.
I compose beyond haute couture, in this adventure, called poetry.
Poetry handwritten on July 21, 2021.
In my house.
Thanks to the masters of Etec José Rocha Mendes - https://www.etecrochamendes.com.br/
Professor coordinators: Claúdia and Vagner.
First version of Ti ti ti - http://globotv.globo.com/rede-globo/memoria-globo/v/webdoc-novela-ti-ti-ti-1a-versao-1985/2094253/
Second version of the telenovela Ti ti ti - https://memoriaglobo.globo.com/entretenimento/novelas/ti-ti-ti-2a-versao/
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