Marks of what's gone
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Marks of what's gone

Suddenly the song came to mind,
Incredibly nostalgic today,
And, with divine inspiration,
That makes my heart good.
I'm half poet, half prophet,
In this life so full of immensities.
Visible and invisible dimensions,
A plagiarism of myself,
In writing, and in what comes to mind.
A comes and goes of shadows and lights.
And, me here still with such deep scars.
And, of course, my old and new dilemmas.
Attitudes imposed.
Without a government to embrace,
But, dreaming of better salaries,
To public Education, Security, Health professionals.
And, the wish that no more stadiums are made for one team or another,
But to build hospitals for the entire population,
For diseases such as genetic translocations,
Like Robertsonian translocations,
Whether from chromosome 13, or from my family,
Coming from Justino and Albertina,
Be from others gone from the past.
Genetics is something that not everything has been studied yet.
Marks of what's gone, music, poetry, which inspires me today,
And, it turns me into a scribe only,
I fear orders that are breathed into the heart.
And, in that inspiration, dedicate to the years gone by,
54 years, lived, with pain, joy, reasons, disappointments
And the search for Christ.
Therefore, I identify with the meaning of Tereza (hunter), Cristina (of Christ), I seek him,
And I know it's in my peer,
In the name given to my children,
And my nephews, and friends,
But, also who knows about any enemy you have.
Anyway, the brands are here, from time to time they bleed,
They make me suffer, but they also transmit nostalgia for the family I grew up in,
And from the family that received me,
From friends along the way,
And, why not, from the challenges that I myself created in my days, in my writings in poetry, in my woes. Gratitude to everyone for reading me with attitude,
May Life bring youth on our journey.
Manuscript Poetry today 7/21/21, in São Paulo.
And, transcribed for that site.
Tereza Cristina G Castro - writer Teka Castro.
Music The Incredibles:
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