
Letter Poems and Adam!

Category: /Letter/Faults/Demon/Adam/Politics/
Dear Book of Mormon church, Baptist Lutheran ; while being defiled by a bunch of Locals gone bad while they tried using the Bible to make false demon claims I suffered and prayed not a one did much more than say a prayer but the demon activity goes on and it seems it is over Politics. I myself had to stop voting because of it and started study and prayer....being thankful for others that listened and got free of shear evil playing on America!

Dear University President: This is Michael Pinger at . I have been crippled by some that tied into my brains then I was defamed in Court by parents that did not know evil at work they now dead. I did overdose years ago and it had adverse effects on me for a little time...but what my folks did behind my back went to a judge and had me declared schizophrenic even after I went to other Doctors and they said they couldn't find any signs would not write a letter that I could take to a Judge who used my Medical records not and I am bound to poverty and defaming ever since I can't get free so you use this to defened that another doesn't get overrun by local heathens doing for Politics and ruin America again as well help end injustice caused by the Bible and Ignorance forty of my human years ruined and I am still defiled daily...by Evil! .

Bishop St. Paul, St. Johns and St. Tims...and possible charges you as a Religion may face if such ones defiling me and the planet are not stopped.

Dear Sheriff's Rabbi and Mayor: This is Michel Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Apt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304. The ones that dove in the ground and taunt me defile me and molest me are not even close to a Godly being...beware'! They wouldn't be trying to poke pencils up at me from the ground nor trying to damage the USA Constitution and it's Laws about Trespass...of which they do on my person all day long!

Dear Health Department: This is Michael Pinger at . I hope the Anti Christ is happy....I'm not the Justice department they ruined and what parents did as well as Docters that wouldn't free me of a bad deal my parents did behind my back for their Catholic religion and they that so willingly helped with no relief is going to cause a very weak spot in America....!
Dear Israel Babylonian Priest Rabbi Harvard and Prayer team President: This is Michael Pinger at 15400 Hwy 65 NE Apt 21 Ham Lake Mn 55304. My heart is heavy and the Life is draining from my flesh...I am alone in encouragement played on by demons of Adam and Khan lessor by Khan but overwhelmingly so. Yet Africa and the heavens God's dignity in "P and B" North and South of Europe and Africa then our Hemisphere. Time is passing two hundred years till Issue time again as the last one hundred has set back any sound gains. How Much the Christians of Rome have hurt like Swede Eve in getting Africa's settled and each Nation set for Church. How I fear for Israel with Russia brutishly trying so hard to gain sea way rights exclusive with broader intentions unspoken and unreassuringly for Iran and the Africa's. It seem tempting Iran will be Russia's only Gift now and what for the Alphabet the west and Israel with Protocol and things best not to have left their house....Jesus, Jehovah.

Eve Swede!

As if a big day come finding heart in a Baghdad part to see breath the Good of it

With choice given and taken the ideal to become Nation as Country wait in state

Only to find of the extra of Bride the work for the Groom then trust to his Womb

Till only Doom all presents opened as day to implement still on horizon the lesson

Held onto sacred now dashed for all Man as squabble did wrestle a key from Priest

hand as Temujin could not rest on his failed test lose of May less of a season Month

For the master to find her hiding with all children under her spell the words looked

So well never understanding such Hell waiting for betrayer they took fine his pride

As Adam did stride thinking only of the day when other children would strive Learn

They took to his side and asked if he would before ceremony uniting Church a State

All so alone he gave into the Kook as she preyed on his heart the Stone almost done

Of the carve God went looking for Proud yet found as he was going to call Ceremony

Only to find He had taken the heart of what he would master with God and of they so

Educated and patiently earning until their own good time and trashed it before others

Spreading before all other Nations yet to become till only spoil could become IT ENDED

By Mictopyci Michael Pinger 5/11/2022

Adam with Lawful Heart the “A” now Gone

and Children Nations that followed left with

only Ruin in Potters field as Baghdad and God

noticed the Ceremony all ruined a Lose to head

of Man...”Let Iran!” .

I Wrote this as Brians Protocol it reads backward on his name as they would in the east and many of their writings start opposite as we read for Holy works, but I changed it to Brain Protocol figuring as I would an Eye Lost and his other one not used what the heck they may be both lost forever since no one but me noticed the Time and Brom's and the Adams with Philistines and Able worked me over anyways. And for against they that thought to engulf me in energy and molest my Brains was fair....I do not think they are correct nor the ones trying to steal Lives Air after I studied of Hindu works when the Air they speak of is more Autumn born and meant for Nation not individual anyways...but try to tell that to a thief demon!
Brain Protocol !

Oh Mars of May as People live and say

To proceed in Mind Good Morning Sun or Rain

The Light most important of Heavens way with

Faithful to Man's prayers Day and Year.

Follow by Three the Divine of Time given rest

For Neptune and Jupiter on Issue or issue not

The Name progress the Hemisphere North to

South of Elder to North and South by Empire way

Oh Lawful of way that keep heavens above

Before giving in to Mortals and their lose on Learning

With letter ways "I" or Not twenty six or five

Good alphabet sparing mortals of bad of part other

Gone Insane

Oh Mars of May Good Morning I pray with method

Right and wrong Divine or Not the Clue enjoying of

Good or bad judging by Breath of Creeper kept or not

How many have lost a "P" for "B" with no north or south

Complete of "P, B, P, B" of "N" or not have mercy, Oh

God on they that have no Brain living with Souls the Lost.

By Mictopyci Michael Pinger Yaw 5/6/2022

For all the years I sat and suffered and prayed even Offered and yet many have lost the "A" and "B" in their names... and it would take a Holy Satan of God's to replace them...how sad and Lonely I feel and let down by the many that could have by now been taught and overcome the scum that plays on me and the Planet thinking they are going to Own Earth while making no effort to complete the World or do they show any respects for the Four Seasons the Basic and accomplished of the Maker's that a God with Calendar Twelve with Nine full planets above held by Nations names is about with Ritual ways. I hope this helps I sent to the U of Minnesota and Harvard...The evil let run wild are way to much now for me to do a thing they ruining and blackmailing me by bothering screwed mortal businesses and Hollywood entertainment by being odd energy that bothers Tv's while breaking all mortal laws is to much.
Having a “B”

Having a “B” in your aptitude with understanding there was a North and a Southern continent in old; it gets you in May too August, half way in Time of being that expresses, you have capability to be trusted with the “A” in first place for Linear meaning. It proves you can go a distance with a Direction. If you can understand that a mortal has his place in being and his parts other have a place in being at plan of the Tribes Chief, that part other goes and be responsible at planet, like the Moon, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter main concerns of a Leader for God divine. By November come from August makes you wise of the Part other if your at Mars, Neptune, Jupiter or one of the other planets. If you have lived your Life as such or gone about Life a Hundred years as such then two hundred years you have a letter “B” well in hand as a tribal head of your Name. You get trusted and held in High Regard for keeping your Name fit to Lord for his Learned sake and for God at September of Grace time you can be proud.

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