
Kookie's Idea

Category: /General/

Kookie the Dog wants to excel in her classes. She also wants her family members to prosper even in the midst of this global pandemic. She also wants the same for her friends, their families, the communities, and society at large. What's more, she wants them to stay safe and healthy.
Thus, she works from home as a virtual game creator and she creates a quiz game knows as The Universe Says. This is a review game that is inspired by America Says and Family Feud, which her family members like. This especially includes her cousin and adoptive father Officer Dog, who has issued a stay-at-home order for his offspring as well as his citizens at large. He is a police dog who cares about the health and safety of everyone.
Therefore, his daughter Kookie makes up a review game that is based on her favorite game shows and God Almighty has given her a vision of her family's prosperity and her friends' success. In addition, they want to help their colleagues and communities. On top of this, their Creator has given them the desire to help those who are suffering especially those who are struggling due to no fault of their own.
Thus, He gives her His idea to design a pre-assessment that will help His creatures as a whole. Here is the first episode of The Universe Says:
Kookie the Dog: Welcome to the Universe Says and my name is Kookie the Dog. I am a student who wants to excel just like you. We also want our families, friends, and communities to prosper. However, we want them to be safe and healthy. Moreover, we want the same for others and society in general. As a result, we will play this game from home on our own devices.
Pico the Chihuahua: Hello, all. I am a cousin of Kookie, the other dogs, and the miacis family at large. I, too, am taking online classes and want to excel just like her.
Dexter the Sleepwalking Dog: Greetings, I am Dexter the Sleepwalking Dog. Like the other dogs, I also want to excel and we are all an adopted family of cousins who love each other like brothers and sisters. The older family members are like mothers and fathers, e.g. Officer Dog and those in his generation.
Kookie the Dog: Indeed, these are two of our cousins and we will have more contestants as we get situated. In the meantime, we would like to get started with some questions and these are fill-in-the-blank questions that are worth 100 points.
Kookie the Dog asks the Universe:
"1. Besides dogs, what are some of the relatives of the miacis family?
She allows her cousins Pico and Dexter to give the top seven answers:
Dexter: Cats
Pico: Bears
Dexter: Pinnipeds
Pico: Raccoons
Dexter: Weasels
Pico: Wolverines
Dexter: Hyenas
"Well done!" the blue-green dog exclaims. She awards them 100 points and they move on to the next question. Meanwhile, these are ideas that they will share with their teachers and classmates at school. They are hoping that their administrators, District, and Education Commissioners will be open especially since this will help them to learn without the authorities having to pay anything out of their pockets.

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