
Go figure!

Category: /Blog/Heaven/Basic/
The “A” group how adult is there a bit to hold as proof with hope ahead just too attest again. Mars and the Chair and difference was very important to keep. Look at it “If “and “It”, “E” and “A” group family name or word, demon in energy molesting and man no one else has too, they are doing their part. You will see the equation a very simple one “A” times “X” and with Look the “O” two of them for “If “and “It” man mortal with proof that an “F” be formed two “L” and the efforts with time and theme Basic being with church. That there be a bit ahead and basic math operations or operators, Plus, Minus give or gain and multiply, product, divide, quotient, need and action with quantity.
You are not much if against heaven and earth you have parts hanging around in energy molesting all. The remainder is not needed you don't fit the equation that grades you with a Look with thought Heaven and earth for reasoning about “I” a mortal single man does he hold form Government and proper ideal against proof “F” and importance of Mans church with the “T” elders holy and time limits with ritual and ideal to keep. Do pray yours make the effort to rise and let go while getting to proper post and study above it is your family wealth the best kept above....The earth may not be eternal but parts fit to space and planet proper will survive. Why be an Ass to that mysterious ones in energy, when management starts with morning and night, your part above?

By Michael Pinger “Yaw!” 9/17/17

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