

Category: /General/





To The King Most Holy. To the best of Walk, Wisdo. Je suis; Tu a; I'll as; Elle as.



Mr. Twang Twang Asabineso Alefiu was the gate man of Allview Plc, the son of Twang Anyam, the grandson of Ale Twang. Co-incidentally, both parent and grandparent of his were gatekeepers. He would inherit the job in Low-low Garden in Song Land.

The primary reason the Twangs were gatekeepers was because they descended from the low brow Topians who were not privileged to afford a good education.

The Bailers, a nearby neighbor, were wealthy and sent all their children to the Bolin School in Anapex, Uvevia. Each of them were well fed and provided for. But the Twangs had things different. They rarely had what to eat, only depending on picking snails in the nearby bushes and hunting animals for sale to help make ends meet. It seemed, as most thought, God or opportunity had not favored them. For this reason, they could not attend the Nobles Schools or any other Wide Light School of Arapon in Anapex Hill. As a child, Twang remembered the other boys laughing at him that he couldn't speak well.



Twang could hardly speak the common language of Axad which was English, well. While other children spoke Squeaky, Sprankl Fransh, Purplish, Kings' and Queens', etc., Twang Twang Asabineso Alefiu spoke what was probably known as the English of Tears. English of Tears was based on the inability of the speaker to pronounce words properly or use them in the right context. For instance, he could say "Pling me le pook" or "Kif me le knife", what had somewhat become known as a bastardizing of the Noble tongue. Life didn't promise much, and after he became eighteen, he was to replace his father as a gateman in Allview Plc. But before this, his experience of always accompanying his father to work, especially at nights paid off.
"Twang!" , his father would yell "Darknis (Darkness) is a farm (form) of daight (light). Ondi (only) a dre (ray) can daighten (lighten) the hunifess (universe). If you can't see dwell (well), drob (rob) ya (your) eyes sefrally (severally) and den (then) duk (look) was (once) more. Man is nod (not) a fortude (fortune) of is (his) belifement (befallment) but of is (his) we (will), kalakta (character) and dope (hope)."

Twang was learning something. Finally, Twang Twang Asabineso Allefiu had turned eighteen and had to go fend for himself. All he got was the job of a gatekeeper at Allview Plc.



Twang was happy with his job and always turned in on time asking "Awa we mens and wemens today?" Twang's wife, Mrs. Embry gave birth to two boys, Alefium and Toi and Twang was not contemplating allowing his boys become inherent gatemen. "They will ko to skul also dike the chillren (children) of Brainkerbraing, the Manayer (Manager)", he would say to himself. This made Twang to become more dedicated to his work. One day, that opportunity he always sought happened. The Manager, Mr. Brainkerbraing was looking for a bold staff to promote. So, he talked to his board of directors about it. The skill to be employed was that he would break the rules by picking office furniture home. That day, his immediate Juniors watched as Mr. Brainkerbraing packed the office furniture into his car to head home. No one questioned him. Some were afraid but said nothing. But Twang came around and asked: "Sir, aw (how) ah (are) ju (you) ko (go) wit (with) som (some) furnitor (furniture)? Mr. Brainkerbraing told him that he was the manager of Allview and had the right to pick anything home, testing him further. Then, Mr. Twang asked him "Sir, ifn (even) wit (with) dis (this) stamp untop (on top)?" It was becoming an argument and staff were gathering around.

Finally, Mr. Brainkerbraing who was secretly videoing the incidence secretly returned the furniture, apologizing to Mr. Twang. His name was submitted to the board for promotion. The following day, a press conference was held and all staff were to be present. The CEO of Allview called out Mr. Twang in the presence of all staff and handed him the certificate of honor for intergrity, and promoted him to the position of Visionary Manager and sent him on a training in faraway Langlangland in Aplex Fall, with emoluments, raised his pay and gave him a new well-furnished office. He would no more stand in the sun or be scared of the nights, opening gates. Everyone in Allview was surprised, including those who saw the manager's action as wrong but couldn't speak out. Truly, truth if wrapped on colors of boldness, could prove a good weapon and pay great dividends.

Twang sent his kids to the best schools in Anapex, to college level. Alefium became a doctor and Toi became a pilot . Twang became known from then as "The Great Twang", who not only broke the jinx of janitorship, but made his kids become better people. And he lived better and spoke Sprankl Fransh .

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