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There lived once in Etagi land a young man nmaed constagi Udemefo, the son of Udemefo White. He was a apainter after his father. Constangi loved to enjoy himself and eat mitimeat. He liveda good life till disaster struck. One day, while walking on the Sputus highway, he fell down on the road and foamed on his mouth. People who saw and identifieed him, picked him up and took him to the Demfo hospital. He was unconscious for nine days. At the hospital, the nurses and doctors did their best to resuscitated him to no avail until nine days. It was all joy and shouting in the hospital when he woke up, because all had given up hope on him. He stayed in the hospital for another two months, taking treatment. After this, he was discharged, but brought back for admission as the same incidence occured again. He kept being re-admitted in the hospital for nine times, as the same incidence occurred nine times, each time he was discharged.

One day, while lying on his hospital bed, on his ninth admission, an old man came in and stood by him. His name was Doctor Mensho. He greeted Constangi and asked him, "what's your name?" He replied "Constangi". Doctor Mensho then asked him of his occupation and he said he wasa painter. Doctor Mensho then said to him, "I will not give up on you." Mensho then told him that we didn't have big problems as humans but big laziness. After twelve days of interrogation and discussion, Doctor Mensho then gave him a prescription. It wasn't a drug but something he had to do, which he called "Growing to be all White". All the while, Constangi complained that he felt belly ache and headaches and a rib pain usually before fainting. Doctor Mensho explained what he meant by growing to be all white.He told him to get a good drawing sheet, which he would keep in a cool, dry glass case and then draw a portraint of himself and paint it within a period of twelve years. This portrait, according to Mensho had to be all white, and he need to paint it a little at a time till he completed the painting in a time frame of twelve years, only when he felt the belly ache, headache and rib pains. He was not to do otherwise or complete the painting till twelve years were over. Constangi was then discharged. He kept to Mensho's words and did as he had prescribed. Each time he felt the pains, and the headache, he would run and paint just a little part of the portrait with a white ink. To his amazement, the pains and headache left instantly each time he did this. This way, for twelve years, he never went back to the hospital, though he often corresponded with Mensho. Then, on the twelvth year, one afternoon while sitting in his house, a strange wind blew and opened his door. The door had been locked safely with a key. Constangi watched. Then, a being that was black and had ninety horns appeared. It moved close to him and said " I came to kill you today." Constangi was pertrified but he heard a voice say "the painting". Then, he stood up and went for the painting. At this point, the being started shouting "no!!! no!!! no!!!" and broke into piecies and disappeared. Doctor Mensho called instantly and Constangi told him what happened. Mensho then asked him to complete the painting. When he did, a peice of bone, fell from his chest and he was alright from that day. He took th peice of bone to Mensho who labbelled it as gun problem and put it in his laboratory. Then, the government of Utaland wanted a good painter who could paint all the tall houses of Ifedoha on palace street. A competition was organized and Constangi came the best. He was given the contract and painted marvellously. His paintings are still there on palace street. If you go there, remember Constangi grew all white. Constangi was happy and decided to ask Mensho why he asked him to do what he did. Mensho explained that people have problems when their spirits are impure and have not grown to their limits. And that growing to one's limit rquired extreme patience. He was just purifying his spirit which was suffering a transfrillofrequency or uttermost inconvenience for all those twelve years.

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