
Body aches

Category: /Poetic Prose/

Body aches

Pain is an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience that occurs in different degrees of intensity - from mild discomfort to agony - and may result from nerve stimulation due to injury, illness or emotional disturbance. Taken from the internet.

Well for those who are already fibromyalgic, as I am, already have pain all over the body, sometimes with lesser or greater intensities. However, in fact, lately, even in the practice of water aerobics, my body has set out to acquire a deviation of the spine, 2 herniated discs, and plantar fasciitis. These pains from my research are related to emotions, and I will not say that it is a lie, because I am an emotional complex. See here some sites, which can explain the pain: http://www.acasadoespiritismo.com.br/saude/METAFISICASAUDE4/35%20hernia%20de%20disco.htm https://www.eusemfronteiras.com.br/hernia- of-disco-as-indecisions-are-tormenting you /
and overall: https://www.google.com/search?q=emotional + and+h%C3%A9rnia+de+disco&oq=emotional ++++h%C3%A9rnia+&aqs=chrome. 1.69i57j33l2.11908j0j7 & sourceid = chrome & ie = UTF-8.
Yes, many things are right, I am undecided, mainly because in May I have a reevaluation of the issue of readaptation, and although I love teaching Chemistry classes, I don't feel motivated anymore, I see every day by the features of my colleagues, who leave exhausted the classrooms, not to mention, the salary issue, and other things behind the scenes of education. There is family indecision, with my children, the fragility of not forgiving, it all makes me sick, no matter how much I pray to God, for making me forgive myself. Ah. As it is difficult, this issue of forgiveness, especially in my family, I learned that not only do I, but I have my cousins, they also talk about forgiveness, but they do not forgive.
Yes, body aches, it reflects my soul's pains a lot, I'm like a sponge, I end up absorbing everything I don't owe, and more as I would say in memoriam Frei Albino Aresi, founder of the Mens Sana Association, here today still in Vila Mariana , Rua Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 820 - http://www.clinicamenssana.com.br/, as a little witch should help others, not only absorb, but energize people, as myself.
It is complicated to understand this, but not only parapsychology explains, as does spiritism, even the charismatic renewal, however, as I am disbelieving about everything, because I only see chaos in the world, I end up getting sick, and facing pain that hurts even to breathe.
I also end up being better today, due to the drugs I already took with a medical prescription: paracetamol plus codeine, dipyrone, toragesic (trometamol ketorolac), and not to mention the quality of water I take, to help eliminate excess. Thanks to God, and to these drugs I am better today, than I was these days, yesterday then, if the orthopedist of the server did not excuse me, he would be absent, because at least at home, I can go to bed, rest when I want to, and be silent, especially without seeing anyone, because when we are in pain, nothing is bearable.
Here is my report, I vent, in that poetic prose, where I know that many fibromyalgia patients have, and that they cannot report, and other people, but, above all, we need understanding of those who are on our side, because it is not easy, stay like this .
And I know that many will say, this one is Maria das Dores, since I know her she has pain somewhere, it may even be, it seems like freshness, but I feel that when I'm close to certain people my pains increase, and I'm sure that theirs decrease. Think about it, you know me.
Now, I'm also doing spiritual treatment in the spiritist group: Núcleo Espírita Paulo de Tarso (https://blogdonept.blogspot.com/) and every time, they mention forgiveness. I believe I will still learn to forgive.
God, thank you, for letting me share my emotions, through the art of my writing, where I release endorphins into my being, through the act of writing everything.

I offer my family, those with fibromyalgia, the administrators of the spiritist center mentioned in the text, the doctors at IAMSPE, my co-workers (teachers, organizational agents, managers ...), to those who are apparently strong. And, to you my wonderful reader.
São Paulo, February 21, 2020, 4 pm and 4 pm.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro
Posted on 2 sites.

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