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To the King Most Holy and to Tall August. Mine is the mime of Omery.





At knol Loquest, near Bon Fortin, at Boundary's Law was a place called "Paul Green", where all the birds degged and dwelt in prosperity and peace - unperturbed and unquestioned, eating the free and good things of Norquest.

The seat of government was situated at FRUIT FLOOR; FRUIT FARE, WINESDOM, and the king was LORD WINE, the son of Naskaroperon, the twelfth son of Angley, who descended from the ever halily sopians.

LORD WINE, as they called him, loved merriment. He merried from morning to morning unstopped with more arreas of merriment in more mornings ahead. And as he'd always say to his Butler (he would become known as such) - "More Wine!" Yes, wine he had in abundance, but it was to be short-lived.

As LORD WINE merried all day, his little-hearted bopists or bird poets sang for him from their books of bropes or the ripe gears poems upon poems "to cheer up", as they'd say, "the heart of Lorton". One of such bropes popular and loved by LORD WINE was MY MIME written by Antidok, the great Quime River Bird.

My mime; my mime - oh!
My mime; my mime - oh!
My mime; my mime - oh!
My mime; my mime; my mime; my mime.
My mime; my mime - oh!
My mime; my nice mime!
My mime; my mime - oh!
My nicest mime; my mime; my mime!

Another written by Brakto the collgian Anaferest bird of Loquist was CONTINUE, LORD WINE.


None can be like you
Lord of Angley
None will be like you
Oh Lord Wine.

Another by Britoprie went thus:


I know no one on rough, red hills
That can be compared to you, king;
You; so colorfully but nice
Giving abundant wine and grain.

MILL LOVERS was written by Gamking, the Soloprizer bird of Ulket in Iftea:


Since Lords have been, we've found none in
This world of birds that's like you've been
Till hills shall swirl and no more be
There shall be no one bird like you.

Gamdriver, the Telloquest bird of Pumshen wrote ONE VOTE FOR LORD WINE.


We have no other son of birds
The son of one of brightened birth
He is the son of Acrinon
Our love, our one and only one.

Lord Wine, our king, you bird of birds
You royal blood of Norquest wine
That pours to us at each request
You Lord; so quiet, kute and clean.

Tillofell, the Gushorumper of the Trumpet hills sang A MASTER LIKE NONE


You rule with finger, scepter strange
Talking to hills and earnest place
The love of socred werest fed
That, Lord, we know you are, oh, Wine.

Gamatel the Felopis bird of Bonterop, the Glascal tillondaire, sang his boropose, THE GREEN KING.


You power of greenest of all things
That sit upon the throne of Onx
Commanding life, commanding love
Green king and King of quests of Lors.

Peppers, onions and garlics twin
Green beans, green leaves and cabbage Isk
We know your love abundant as
The sea is seen by all you give.

Thus, the seven Microminders of Paul Green, entertained daily, LORD WINE, the king.



But all that was to be short-lived, like they say in Norquest, Brine pine - a lost total folly, for the SPASSO LORDS, a neighbor like neighbors of a sort, giant bird predators, lovers of and flockers with bats, would soon come.

The SPASSO LORDS on Timquinton 9, the first of seven Brine Alasts, similar to fourteen-two days - headed by their bird Lord, The mighty-mighty Canary, invaded Paul Green at Telloquest or Midnight. During the period, LORD WINE had fallen asleep on his throne with a glass of wine in hand while he listened to mumusick. The worst happened.

The SPASSO LORDS lived in Igalitorna, a rough redened hill of little and few quarky, Stark, stocky waste wood or trees - and were of four tribes: The Font, The Mont, The Canary and The Angley.

The Canary of Montgomery, originally from Igalitorna, was the LARGE MIGHTY-BY-MIGHTY BIRD THAT SWALLOWED other birds for meal: at least 80 to 100 for a meal.

Thousands of Lovians or Love-fun birds were destroyed that Telloquest and used as meal for THE CANARY OF MONTGOMERY and his troop of Bart's, which were ninety nontion or near uncountable in the language of man. A third of the birds of Paul Green flew away, narrowly escaping the turn of terror.

And from distant Loquentell, some stood to sing of their land and the branches of trees they forsook in the lordliest estates where wines flowed unhindered from day to day. A few others coverted their land, and for "holy" as they say "law of jealous displeasure" whistled against and spoke often of THE CANARY OF MONTGOMERY.

The first of this was the Quarf-tire - the weakest of the birds, that sang Bing adas "a song of hates" against the CANARY OF MONTGOMERY. It would go faraway and petch on Paul Brown's Nerve tree and sing in the cold nights at Alang Hill with the blasting of the air with all it's winds from it's lungs, the Bing adas.

TCOM kept hunting as far as into the Norest, the birds of Paul Green. Little Hart was his Secretary-spy, the bract bat. It was Warty and smelly and shared most of the blood of the birds of Paul Green with TCOM.

LORD BONIQPEST, a worm-eater bird of Paul Green was once caught and killed in its attempt to attack TCOM.

Bafare, the prince of the birds, was also killed at Nalty Hills.

Saptobriars, a red and purple bird of the birth of the kings; of LORD WINE, was chopped into pieces and used as meal for TCOM.

Adonai, the heelhest bird of Norquest also was killed by the barts in Turnquineto.

Abaptiminizzo, the quiet bird of Losegos, was also killed for questioning and being found to loiter in the realms of TCOM .

So died bird after bird of Paul Green by TCOM.

Glen, the Golden Bird finally predicted the end of TCOM and the barts in Arapon Hill on bests' Wednesday. It chanted for nine hours the bezzoquizzizzle - the endless word at night, at faraway Hae of Haex on Noltoptry till it rained and stormed for twelve hours, while TCOM and the barts slept, then flew to Apex Forest for divine terms, then the bon Bren, the bod of birds heard and sent help. Then, he was hunted to Noquix in Borontain till he fled from there to Elkesef.



From Lapitop, the land of Tomorrow's weyers were special white and yellow birds called the Abijans. One good thing about the Abijans was that though they had little strength of Fae or the ability to manage the longest distance with the weakest wings, and ate "just sufficient".

All the way from Forntan to Amali, nine near norntinot millions or Eight thousand miles away, they made it all through the air without petching to Paul Green, this time at Forogae or dawn. Paul Blendastoon, the head of the Abijans, hit Barton, the city of the barts when they were still snooring and dragging themselves out of bed. For, as they say in Sitanon of the barts, "What can be as sweet as morning sleep?"

Buvian was the method of attack: they first moved in two's to the throne, imitating, as they looked much like them, welcomer Barts. Then, they dropped their Comspeed that shook off the entire hill, Paul Green. It would be the end of TCOM and the batire barts of Barton.

Soon, news went to Norest that the Abijans had conquered and restored once more for the birds of Paul Green, the land of Paul Green. All the remaining birds returned. They were so happy that they decided to call Paul Green from then, Montgomery or the Mount Go-merry.

Also, to make up for the memory of TCOM, the large MIGHTY-BY-MIGHTY red bird of Angley, they named the little Abijans, the Canary.



"Oh, for the unforeseen!", wept the birds ad they returned. "the unforeseen" they would say on their branches of trees in their tree logs or lordliest of Lors of the Green brine trees of Montgomery.

They sat on tree trunks asking "why?" "Why did it happen?" as they squeaked and squarked and plisked. "Wine? Wine caused us this in the mimic of hae in Noe bole tine or half an expectation time?" "Just wine", they would say - "a little fructose in water sucked from the roots and found in the fruits of veins of trees?"

Then they sought for the sons of LORD WINE but none were alive. Finally, they found by genealogical link the Uquenesto, a bird girl was of the line of LORD WINE and made her queen.

From then, the Bright Fire Lords, the Paul Green or Montgomery birdfest ordered that there be no more gesk pepper and no more wine or "the sweet things of Paul Green" .

They called the new seat of government, the Contre and the throne where sat Uquenesto, the Swear Fare or the Fie Alter.

A set of laws - the Contranote - written to rule the birds was framed by the Lavingles, the Quintessential bird redders (snortor).



It was advised that since wine - "pure water from the stems of trees, sucked from the roots, with fructose, could cause the unseen, then all effort was to be pushed to stopping wine and all were now to be vexed with pepper.

There were commissioned a hundred pepper police, who went about from branch to branch of trees in Montgomery checking for defaulters or wine consumists. It became known as the Wine Fast.

Every meal of the birds of Montgomery was to have at least a pint of pepper: honey pepper or pepper honey, banana pepper or pepper banana, orange pepper or pepper orange, apple pepper or pepper apple or anything - name it - that was edible to the birds of Montgomery, for "since" as they said "ordinary wine caused this, then we go pepper."



Uquenesto, the New Queen of Montgomery, sat tough and tall rough, helping with leakeye lukilancy the land of Montgomery. She fortified up to Half-yore, the boundaries of the Persperies or Goat realm, the military of Purple Quix who shot words quick and not sticks. They were armed daily with Miley millions or word gormadoms for just releasing the sticky, come-quicky words of Augur.

Uquenesto was married to a Fries Gramy or Psalm Peter who would later, though "a shed tae" like they said, become the king of Montgomery.

Paraquarf, a little light bird of unborrowed hopes sang of the August deed of installment this way:


When I was a child-bird
A baby bird, I say
I slept always on branches
Branches but tall and fair
Till I found it was written
Written of fruits but fair
Atop The burst if hoolies
Where lie the eggs of hae

Come tona bons dem hon gae
Anexo pere tae
Com frima domen sen dae
Alingon temo tae.



Uneqesto and Psalm Peter made Montgomery the best sight ever for all birds besides enemies, so that even goats stole in for enjoyment from goat realm. But she called up the Purple Wacky, the group of the best Noe Sae Hae or birds that tabber when they cry, to see into the sivinot or loves of Gramonte which should be the eternal strength of the stay of the Montgomery birds. The best thought offered by the Purple Wacky was the red - "a Reddy bird is a blest - glaso-bird" said the sae.

Birdquest or bird secretaries were then sought and trained. These would copy and document for reddiness, the Poplos Chalk or all words ever spoken and afterwards spoken or all intentions ever had or then had or would ever be had in all realms of birds and goats. Sounds were picked from all things in existence. From the rustle of leaves to the fall of fruits in Orchard Finits or any other where there is, faithfully, as they said: Nae segastae Fe de foli?



Now, Wise in heart, all birds of Montgomery lived in their pepper republic, each with a pint of sense on applico or just what to do. Bragon's bird council took care that much goats did not steat too much into Montgomery. A brand new, more secure Montgomery had been formed and they of the land of birds would never forget, each with a pint of pepper pae what wine could cause. "In Moropose" as they say "wine is a mocker". " We've at last proven it so and it shall be so to the last hill of degree and the bit of the binte of the water of heel in tillfeel, the river of Equex."

Then, they would sing in memory of the CANARY OF MONTGOMERY this song of memory:


Glad Mount on which we lived
Full of light, blingful things
In abundance and seed
Was taken once by wine.

It was so pitch-horror
That the birds tabbered oft
On their breasts thus and sang
"Canary of Montgomery".

Our land, our land, our land
Once ours but lost to storks
To warts and Barts and alds
To Lords tougher than us

Montgomery, land of yarns!
For Lords tougher than man
Once took you in their hands
And set on you their plans

You land of sacred stalls
Of branches fair as frest
You hill of Angley's
Ne'er more messed up by Barts

Barts shall not live in you
Once more Montgomery!
Cursed be the luck of Barts
Forever near thy bank.

Brightest of lands of Fae
Burnished like sun of Ae
Do be that land we crave
Forever guest of Yae.

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