
Category: /Magazine/Collection/
When Others!

Friday, April 19, 2019

2:25 PM

When others be agreeing then others be a seeing

Like a fire that is cool Eyed individual of crowned

It Star fulfilling for Good from the wood God Adorn

Then Others will adore healing their heart in storm

When others be agreeing then others are of a living

Giving strength to Nation Neighbor Father with Lord

By Mictopyci Michael Pinger Yaw 4/19/2019

Little Stone!

Friday, April 19, 2019

4:14 PM

Upon the walk He whispers upon the age of squawk

Walk to the ends of tends do offer up to they sincere

Angels future hopes of good of the Great God Making

And so of this with Jupiter still Just-ing saddled Of

Cappelli trots and Horse let elder of the Hope this

Of burdens at least tears to weep of Empire frown

Yet still patience he waits thee detest by hoof a stone

Get along do keep the pace Ham blessed Rama attest

May things go well to better on earth in heaven then

May they of High God adjust that Allah they do know

And for the Man of yet to be known by the Has Been

Stay of heavens grace and what you can So night Day

By Mictopyci Michael Pinger Yaw 4/19/19

Polar Ghost!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

4:23 PM

Life complex or imaginer the Polar Ghost

How nice to not tease between the knees

How Well to get above let learn to learned

I am going there with ability deep old keen

It is not Always I can be seen walk wonder

Yet we are the same degree move a radian

Oh Polar Ghost lessons learned lessons prove

The Spit and Spat walk chat upon above after

Oh Polar Ghost of Noble safe normal of grace

By Mictopyci Michael Pinger Yaw 4/23/19

Glory Unto Great God Christ with their Allah!

Hay Jim!
Monday, April 22, 2019
5:42 PM

Hay Jim giving a call
Hay Jim how are you now do
Looking at the heal

Hay Jim your missions on
Hay Jim sorting Jupiter's child
Looking at the feel

Hay Jim its April now
Hay Jim August look around
Looking at the meal

Heavens need fellows
So Real to grow on a doing
The Job nesting a soul

By Mictopyci Michael Pinger Yaw 4/22/19

Still a Snag and I don't know why after all the years, months and days. The suck and draw and wrap around plunge inward. The bad in mockery to heaven and earth the world the Prayer with Limit places to be to form about...gathers with sound groups to teach at above. Creatures realms and environments perhaps a Poets summer job? For Hoe, "I" and the cross he bare above for "N" with horizons to keep proper about and at proper places "E". With the Lord in support for unified methods exercises "L,F,E" for the Lord's sake.

Watched a neat old show from You Tube last night...She Should have said No...Wild Weed! Surprising the movie kind of neat and Oldy. Sad the Morons that betrayed prayer made a dish underground and profane back at mankind instead of rising and helping others carry the future proper as normal beings do it. I had one ask me while defiling inward upon me if he could be my Devil I sad no and he asked why...Because dumb ass demon shame to all good beings we already have a Justice system of which with your trespass you don't honor! As with the other fanny juice demons defiling planet and calendar the Day church and path to the heavens your profane beyond good sense and for get assembly and what was supposed to come to be was a Nation and completed tasks of the God being of which they are not even apart of.
Did some more study on Square roots of negative One. Imaginary numbers the favorite is coordinate form of which the Number I found that would be fair don't work. But on a equation finding a negative number under the square root sign it should be fair enough to use .994. to bridge the equation if one think enough to figure out a change of direction or a possibility of a tangential change can happen or may be possible. For most a quadrant change could exist but on the sum of numbers past the decimal point some where that could be bridged but understand there is a soft spot in numbers there. A difference between Sand and Rock like thing. In physics energy and Light and electrical fields when demons flood the environment and start acting chaotically like has happened to me, by bad an ignorant one just wanting to have fun and in the wrong way they are ones hurting more than is fair or good. You have energy levels seven of them to contend with in heating and cooling...a strange effect where it holds a little longer at a temperature holds a little longer then drops a little further than expected. But as far as the divine being goes and thank you elders holy past the tiring time of Temujin I thank you for your efforts you did well and it is not your fault for the drift in time that is leaving everyone off from the Time Line and duty that should have been done. They were trying to figure out eclipse of the Moon and Sun back then as well figuring for the Comets the one that Hits and misses Mars because that is the one that brought down the tower. So they had good math skills back then and enough wisdom to try and deal with the upset Temujin caused to Lemech's House Mongolia. One that was hoped be straightened up by now. It in part was a math problem and he should have listened or a drift of Sin or cosine of 1.555 degrees adds up. To the point that the structure of the being is fast gaining for a twelve month calendar which has a small error itself mankind for those not warding off obstructions that on a long range would cause any number and figuring to fail by outer influence. The outer influence and such effects has driven mankind a little far form what would make mankind proper to the heavens each house only the most sincere have endured. It could go so bad with the demons working for a bad cause to leave all houses basically failing if Iran does not watch itself and starts using for names bad toward Mongolia to that point if demon driven. This would lead the elders sincere Opus in the heavens and the rest basically just rubble instead of fellowship while mankind just fights it out and drowns from heavens above. This seems to be the short sightedness of ones thinking funny doing deviant things honestly profaning what the Lord's justice system for Mongolia is about. I pray mine leave don't spit back stay normal to getting to post above and do not stay and soak up energy and think your doing anyone any good at all...your not and Light means work and adhere to guidelines stable stay normal don't become things and fall back onto mankind go bare other than how to do math and logic and keep a calendar don't fool around and thank you for they doing as such. Don't worry about me worry about not getting solid about sane posture above leaving mankind alone as well the elements I hope others do...we are not coming back so don't get involved in odd projects ones that play on the flesh and atomic structure only does harm.

It is fascinating the story of Buddha sad that some in energy are using his Patriot work falsely to play on me. The house itself was cherished for it's high platitude for observation and star gazing which is the reason for the Tower that went down at the time of a Comet hitting mars. Of which Iraq was building a check point so they didn't have to bother they of the region as some wandered back to homelands before the flood. They would ask for what they wanted to watch or keep track on and they would then send the information back to Iraq or Babylon it was so they could just check data as they were designing calendar so mankind could be in proper fellowship with the heavens and a universal calendar to follow would allow all to learn how to see what we see on the planet while they kept their schools in the heavens not bothering mankind. The problem with these is they do not take it for granted on flamboyant accounts when he was chosen if it was right for him to become the corner stone of their Church of which he was going to have to study a lot anyway to find rightful fits to be proper to the Morning star China as well for what amounts to Lucifer and Mongolia being second as far as Nations are concerned for Follow while considering the Third and forth party which was Iraq Baghdad the Iran Mans alter. Of which he did and at adulthood cleaned with mind set to go forward of which is when in works it mentions all the stars in heaven fell. In part this was because of Temujin as well he had to think of the trouble and solutions that were much harder to take into consideration including if all else failed taking up a God like position by living a solemn patriot post that his own being would represent in heaven with support of his nation if all other houses failed because of Temujin. All of which he did marvelously. Not that he had any reason to take into account ones running negative as became at present and fools playing around dangerously in energy as these are doing that was rather taboo in those days with almost any people with any education and taught that that was profane one would either go to the sea or go to the heavens knowing some would always cheat a bit....the cheating adds up and it isn't his fault it is racy demons in energies that don't make it a point to go found a personal school if your nation does not have one and make a point of living away from the flesh responsibly and not in the being growing to extremes to the point of harming the atomic structure as some are doing this to me. I pray mine leave keep ritual ways of a Day and get along with others but get along to above and study. The expression while he was in study was like he a pole radiating the four coordinates where a letter J stands for Y plus and negative and x plus and negative. When he came of age and with study of Math with square root negative numbers the ones that show up in equations other than Polar and coordinate math he founded Zen a form of Logic with concern for Zeno, to help ease the stress that involves such equations, where a negative number under the root sign shows up. The fact is he studied while a war raged of the Khans which is part of his coming of age and the meaning of what some read about all the stars falling. If you look to the heavens the great basket we go under or dome of stars has some special stars that are brighter they were used to decide empire houses not just for Europe but for the lower continents and for this side of the world. The meaning holds to that kind of fear that the ways of the Empire and the lay out of its' houses may be gone.

Well I finally think I found a Number accurate enough to represent Square root of a negative one. I found that .9949 should fit in there nicely...still, have some testing to do on it.
For anyone stuck in imaginary situations or to best some dimwit causing hard testing.

Well I finally think I found a Number accurate enough to represent Square root of a negative one. I found that .9949 should fit in there nicely...still, have some testing to do on it.
For anyone stuck in imaginary situations or to best some dimwit causing hard testing.

What's the deal with Magnet's I have literally been bothered about Magnet's till I can find no reason for parts falling into odd dimensions of being then hanging on me or an area. Once again for you running way to far with Hindu works then not even becoming your Christian good self and going and asking in heavenly places proper...plus what ever the odd balls do when a word is mentioned of the demons in energy clouds they produce a virtual one. Magnets in old means with the "G" as heart letter means a product that has been cultivated either in nature or by other means that produces an attractive force or repelling. One gets this if one use the letters from "M to T" proper. Now this of old and with regards to Holy works had to do with solving logic problems, they set one side of a logic expression to opposite the one they want to see if it will hold up and work through it until it pass or does not. The other matter in worship has to do with the Rising Sun Morning prayer, The rising Moon or Mars attentions out in the heavens and seasons matters that one knows are there and has to plan for before that time reaches it on the Pull of the matter in time. If some have fixed to tune into me and that is why some energy force is at times very crushing I pray they stop and think..."Don't I have something ahead in time to become fit for?" And go do it as I pray mine get go become fit to hold a theme or subject for console and carry on not being odd to nature and posture and thanks for basically doing so and to others proper thanks for the help.

By MMPY! 4/23/19

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