

Category: /General/




Mr. Vulnerable Udensia of Sabatim lived in Santimony in fear almost all of his life. He was the son of late Udensia Thomas. After the demise of his father, certain people called The Pursuers of Blood Fare, rose up against him on the premise that he and his ancestors were owing them blood. These people on a daily basis pursued Mr. Vulnerable from place to place wherever he went. This Made Mr. Vulnerable to escape from Santimony for his life. After his escape, he ran to Navosget, a nearby country where he hid himself thinking he would be safe from the Pursuers. But one day, to his surprise, he noticed certain faces that seemed like the ones he knew. They were the pursuers! Mr. Vulnerable took to his heels and escaped, while they pursued him. He escaped into a nearby bush where he hurt his leg. And while bleeding, he hid behind a tree. Then, the Pursuers left, since they didn't see him again.



Mr. Vulnerable had some money with him, so to be safe from the Pursuers, he felt he should go to a faraway land known as Lonaland. He paid a fare and left for Lonaland. When he arrived Lonaland, he got to a place called Augustine Town and was walking around when he saw some people having a party and joined them. He enjoyed the party and was in glee when suddenly, he spotted one of the Pursuers in the hall. Mr. Vulnerable ran and jumped two seats and escaped. The Pursuers were chasing him with sticks, till he ran and hid himself in a beavers' dam in Cool Forest. The Pursuers didn't see him again, and left. Mr. Vulnerable then decided, with the little money he had to escape to another land called Softland, two countries away from Augustine Town. When he got there, he got a house and was happy, resting. Then, he bought food and was about to eat, when he sighted the Pursuers. He stood up and ran and left the food and came to a place called Hollow Team. The people of Hollow Team noticed that he was always restless and asked him what happened. He told them and they told him that the best thing to do was not to run about from place to place, but to stand and fight the Pursuers. They promised him to join force with him and fight the Pursuers. One day, while he went to work in his farm, he sighted the Pursuers and threw away the hoe and ran back. But this time, with some confidence to the people of Hollow Team. The pursuers were coming with sticks and stones, when to their surprise, armed tanks surrounded them. They were afraid and wanted to surrender when the armed tanks blew them into smithereens. Thus, for the last time in his lifetime, Mr. Vulnerable never saw the Pursurers again. The king of Hollow Team, King Laughmoredill invited Mr. Vulnerable to his palace to congratulate him for his victory against the Pursuers. While they feasted, the King asked him "What have you learnt from this?" He said that he learnt that all things were possible and that he remembered from a book he read that "if [one] was pursued in a particular town, he should run to another town, on and on till he never saw his pursuers again." King Laughmoredill was pleased with Mr. Vulnerable and gave him one of his daughters in marriage, and a good part of the land and a group of guards known as the Specto guards to look after him and his family. Mr. Vulnerable never saw the Pursuers of Blood Fare again.

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