

Category: /General/





There once existed a high ranking officer at Hospice Plc in Nortanon-in-Agree, named Jackson Peoples. He was of the rank of a manager. All things went well with his life till they finally crumbled before his eyes. Jackson could not unravel the sorrows he experienced. He lost two of his three kids in a week and was battling heart and liver problems, till one day when he had a dream. In this dream, he saw a man in white veil come to him and handed back his heart and half of his liver to him, and told him half of the problem had been solved, but that the problems were caused by his wife. Instantly, in the dream, Jackson's wife, Mrs. Rare stood before him with a long whip and exclaimed to him "you are lucky, you escaped."
In the morning, when he woke up, with no problems whatsoever existing between them before, his wife packed her things and called the marriage off, adding to his woes. Jackson noticed that according to the being with the white veil, his heart problem had disappeared, but the liver problem persisted. Jackson could fathom no other way to handle these problems, especially his wife's departure, than to formulate a tactics - a behavior of keeping quiet and observing things, and letting various degrees of silence handle everything.



The following morning, Jackson reported at Hospice plc where he worked, and to the surprise of everyone, he never greeted or replied greetings; only raising his hands to respond. Then, he walked up to his boss and dropped a note which read:
" Dear Sir, due to the problems I have combatted for a period of time now, I have adopted a therapy called 'the silence therapy' and would obtain your permission - that I would not speak, but only write or gesture till I am able to handle my problems. Thank you." The General Manager was glad and approved his decision. Jackson then walked to his unit and handed a similar note to his subordinates. He would soon become known as "the mute Manager". There were no small laughter among his colleagues, but Jackson kept to his therapy.
To his dismay, Jackson, who at first had thought the decision was absurd and funny, found it helpful. For instance, he observed that he was quick to notice things and take sound decisions with the use of his eyes than when he spoke. One day, to his dismay, he noticed and caught two of his subordinates who were using a method called Shallow Display to steal in the firm. In Shallow Display, two people talked normally, but one raised the eyelids to give a reply which could only be understood by Second Guessing or Second Listening. Jackson fired the guys, who confirmed their action and their activities in Hospice Plc.



After three months of his silence or mute therapy, Jackson had made so much feat in completely overhauling the company and trippling it's yeild. Due to this, the General Manager who was about to retire, recommended him to the Board of Directors, who approved his appointment. Jackson became the next General Manager. His earnings were increased.
One day, after work, Jackson was driving home when he felt an itch in his shirt about his chest. He opened up his clothe to find an office pin and a note which read:
" Yes, I did it. Now, it's time to go. Bye. From your wife." Instantly, his phone rang and his last surviving daughter explained that his wife had just died. Jackson was dumb . Jackson took the note and pin to a clergy, who explained to him what went wrong and prayed with him, advising that his problem was what was called "Fixtalism". That witches and wizards used Fixtalism to cause and compound problems for people. The witch usually has a carved set of items related to the person's affliction, like livers and hearts and the dead children, in his case, and then got them nailed to his spirit in the spirit realm. This made problems compound, rather than have solution. The method was called Fixtalism and could also be done physically, with the same items buried in the ground or placed on trees, in the forest, or dumped in the river or sea. And that the problem would not have a solution until the witch or wizard is discovered, challenged, dies, the items exhumed and physically and/or spiritually disentangled or unfixed. This time, Jackson had to consider, with serious scrutiny, who to marry, and married Elizabel Ana, had three children, had no more problems, and led a beautiful, successful and cautious life.

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