An Arduous Path
Category: /General/
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Where does the time go? There are many things still yet to known.
One thing for sure life has offered
Some pretty hard blows.
It’s the getting back up and carrying
on once falling off the track.
Makes it worth it when looking back
still finding the ability to laugh.
Then there are the falls beyond ones
capacity to recover from. A false persona
is created in an attempt to overcome the
trauma. Could the ill fate be due to bad karma?
Some make it to the other side while
Others choose to live a lie. In facing
the truth fear they will not survive,
leaving their true self behind.
Yes, life’s harsh realities come to the
forefront. Past choices made playing
out in the Present, having a field day.
Feelings of regret never too far away.
There is no one to comfort, to help one
through, because its responsibility begins
and ends with me and you. That’s the
loneliness so often spoke of…
The arduous path to self love.
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