
Thy I'm Reborn

Category: /General/
They are holding a funeral service
Yet the casket is empty
Eulogies remain silent for now
Obituaries have to be rewritten
Detractors remain smitten
With hopes of last breath in their grasp.

Just a matter of time
Celebration in order
No one needs an excuse to get hammered
As they get enjoy this alleged sweet moment
With a clear head
But conscience is dirty
For they have no use for those
Who challenge their mediocrity?
Their lack of morals
Their addiction to deviant and decadent ways
As they prop up another paper lion
Oozing charm and charisma
But without substance
Another puppet on a string.

One gets the feeling
There’s a rapture around the bend
All this hyperbole sets teeth on edge
Reaching for guns
Primitive urge for violence
Will you be the chosen one?
That frustration is taken upon?
The pretty face they yearn to mangle?
Smelling blood
As the vultures circle.

You can’t beat them
By your lonesome
You could join them
But integrity would be sold down the river
Perhaps, if you stopped worrying about revenge
You could find peace in your heart
And live up to the potential
He gave you.

Plenty of shooting stars in the sky
Flaunt their brightness
Shiniest sparkle upon the hill
But arrogance declares the fall
And it ain’t a pretty sight to see.

It’s not your mission
You’ve got bigger plans
To extricate yourself from this hole
Your insane inclination to overcompensate
To be someone you’ll never be
Can’t carry the world upon shoulders
Can’t constantly turn the other cheek
You must not be the doormat
To the greedy scavengers and bully cowards
For they are easily shattered with verbal confrontation
Hold the cross in your hands
Release all this emotional garbage
The insidious chemicals
That have twisted your brain
Rotted your soul.

You only have one to answer to
He’s mighty disappointed
But the love is unconditional
He’ll always be by your side
Unlike human nature
Fickle and dependent
Upon what you do for them
Never about what they perform for you
Unless it’s something they can call upon
While you inevitably fail to live up to perfection.

It might be a long haul
But there is light
No matter how faint
Hatred never wins the gold
You could join the perverted fray
Far easier to look down on others
Than gaze at the narcissist’s pool.

But why sully your strengths?
And turn your back on what worked?
Fear of success?
Or a disdain for not getting the credit you deserved?
Former is a subjective clause with many codicils
The latter is a foolish waste of time
For you’d never be complete.

Don’t fall prey to the illusions
Don’t believe you’re not worth your salt
Admit your failings
But don’t deem yourself a failure
Be confident
Don’t flaunt your successes
You are the earth
The solid foundation
One with the spirit in the sky.

They’re still waiting at the mortuary
Checking their watches
Enslaved to their phones
Tipsy and irritable
A delusion they’re missing on
Looks like the celebration
Was a wet blanket
The climax didn’t live up
To what was imagined
In the mush for lack of brains.

A solid downpour
Gentle sounds against the window pane
A rainbow forming
As you don’t find mourning in your heart
A still of peace
Reborn free to harmonize with the heavenly choir
That never abandoned their grace and love for you
For the only difference
Is that you need to love yourself.


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