12/8/18 Pastor Skip's Connection
Category: /General/
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Thanks, Lord, for Your messages and thank You for telling the Daystar Channel to work today.I need to charge the phone after the message You will speak through Pastor Skip.
I can listen to You speak through Pastor Osteen while the phone charges.
Thank You, God, for speaking in a variety of ways and via various people in the name of Jesus Christ as well as the Holy Spirit.
Thank You, Lord, for speaking to me right now without interruptions.
I need to give the interruptions to You.
I can learn from my past and I can learn from the everyday experiences of others.
I can learn from those around me.
Bitterness is emotional cancer.
Bitterness is anger that has grown into something.
Our hearts are a garden.
Hebrews 12:12-15
Bitterness begins with small seeds.
Hebrews 12:13-14
Bitterness begins with anger due to hurt.
You have been using people to chasten me.
Hebrews 12:3-6
I shouldn't be discouraged by the people who have gone before me.
When I am discouraged, I am the most vulnerable to thoughts that lead to bitterness.
Bitterness is internalized anger that is festered over time.
Bitterness starts as hurt, which begins with discouragement.
Bitterness begins with small seeds of hurt.
I cannot outrun Your grace but I have lost sight of it.
I need to grow in grace.
Grace is the opposite of bitterness.
I can overcome bitterness by being gracious to others like You have been gracious to me.
You have dealt very graciously with me.
Bitterness turns me into a perpetual victim.
Bitterness is really a form of pride.
I should not let bitterness take root in my heart.
I need to let the bitterness go.
Bitterness develops deep roots.
Deuteronomy 29
I need to remember Your covenant.
Bitterness chokes off spiritual and emotional life.
Ephesians 3
I need to get rid of all bitterness.
Bitterness destroys homes and bitterness holds back Your power.
Colossians 3:19
Bitterness blocks You.
I need to be rooted and grounded in love.
Ephesians 3:17-18
Amen, thank You.
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