9/30/18 Pastor Osteen's By this I Know
Category: /General/
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You have been pushing back forces of darkness.Psalm 41 declares, "By this I know," by King David.
You are on our side.
You are fighting our battles and You are breathing in our directions.
You are ordering our steps.
We have a history with You.
You have shown us mercy.
You have never left us.
You are leading us.
Genesis 24:39
You are faithful.
We didn't get here by ourselves.
You are a great God.
You can make things happen that we can never make happen.
You shined Your favor on us.
You are our Protector and You are our Defender.
We can't have a big testimony without having a big test.
You chose us before we could choose You.
The victories are fuel.
You are in control.
You have a hedge of protection around us.
Psalm 78
You have done amazing things.
Amen, thank You.
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