1/29/19 Pastor Osteen's All Is Well
Category: /General/
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All is well.You are still on the Throne.
You are directing the steps You have ordered for me.
You are bigger than any obstacle.
You are making things happen that I can never make happen.
You are still working on me.
I am not a finished product.
You are Well.
The book of Psalms contains prayers and promises to stand on.
Matthew 13
Interruptions are a weed, which always pop up before the harvest.
I don't have to fight the interruptions.
Those who have believed enter into rest.
You will straighten out the interruptions for me.
Interruptions can get frustrating and annoying.
2 Kings 4
Romans 4:17-18
I can use words to change the situation.
Not being moved by the circumstances takes away the Enemy's power and this means that he can't control me.
It is well with my soul.
You have the final say.
Interruptions are a weed and an obstacle.
Isaiah 3:10
It shall be well with me.
Amen, thank You.
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