
The magic of football

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The magic of football

Suddenly we see thousands of people of n nationalities, ethnicities, and colors. In the flavors of a scream.
In the infinity of a field, and in the charm of lives, sometimes greedy, earning more than teachers, as in the case of Brazilian players that neither complete middle school have.
While others, with their varied professions, were playing lightly in the 2018 World Cup. Like Icelandic players.
They played beautiful.
Today in the quarterfinals, the mistress of the house, half discredited, or Croatia. Whoever it is, the claw of players, make me watch and applaud each one.
Finally the Cup ended for many, gave zebra in many games. Not to mention the mimimis of Neymar, let there be those who want to take it.
Today I have to tell the world, although Brazilian, I have turned against, because the Brazilian soccer team is greedy, not humble, and besides, some players owe millions to the public coffers, and it is forgiven. Meanwhile, many here starve, he wants more than screwed the country. But, well, Russia and Croatia giving a show apart. And in the peninslies for what I watch live, everything is the same. After all, whoever wins, it is worth celebrating this game, which has taken place today. Croatia won. But, I leave here, my congratulations the Russian team, warrior, and that won my heart.
I apologize, for the Brazilians who were there, with macho actions, making nasty videos, but I have to say, they did not have to murder dogs to receive the world, that was cruel, sad, but the canopy was beautiful.
Congratulations to all 32 nations that competed, that there are victories also in Health, Education, in all countries, especially in mine, which is Brazil. Enough corruption!
Live the magic of football !!! Congratulations Croatia. Congratulations Russia, beautiful game, on 7/7/2018.
Téka Castro, writer, Professor of Chemistry, environmentalist, mother, wife and daughter.
Contact: alegabema@gmail.com

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