Thanks, Lord
Category: /General/
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Thanks, Lord, for this Website and thank You for PoetryVine. Thank you, God, for Your gifts of creativity and imagination. My prayer is that these gifts can help the school, the community and society at large in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Jesus Christ, for covering the Church and I hope that I can volunteer in the Campus Ministry in addition to the Helps Ministry at the Potter's House. From 2007 to 2016, You have encouraged me to make a difference in the lives of the youth and You used the Bishop to speak to the entire congregation. My prayer is that the youth will be better than I am and that You will use my past in order to guide them so that they don't repeat my mistakes in the name of Jesus Christ. Please don't let them be judged, stereotyped or molded by society and please provide them with a variety of resources to help them in school, college, life and beyond in the name of Christ Jesus. I am grateful for their their trust and I am inspired by those who want to make a difference in society. Together, we can make a difference and this is also a team effort just like making a difference in their lives.Favorite Favorite Comment Comment Share Share
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