Category: /General/
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Return to daily work, vacations are over. But the summer continues to harass. Even more in a work environment, like the school, and chemically speaking at a high temperature the molecules stir more.
And, to a real degree, in a school, the molecules are us, our students, and everyone who works there.
Especially in an environment without legal framework for extreme, very hot, or very cold.
But, this is life. The walk continues, and awaits us with new promises, new people.
Today on the first day, I reviewed Paulinho, who knows our future director, and I met Juciara, a colleague from the area of Philosophy, and what a cool talk, great thoughts, a new philosophy.
So, starting February in a sun that covers the temperature of almost 35º Celsius in Sao Paulo, early are already melting.
And yet, I continually philosophize in my thank God.
Peace and good.
Be happy.
Good return dear colleagues and for you dear students, strength, faith and focus.
Teka Castro.
SP February 1, 2019.
Imagem da reunião do Grêmio Estudantil 2015.Teka Castro.
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