1/21/19 More SAT Vocabulary 1 Practice
Category: /General/
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Directions: Choose five words that have not been used already, then list synonyms, antonyms and create a sentence for each word.1) Indifferent
Synonyms: apathetic, listless, cool, cold, neutral, passionless, lax, chilly, dull, uncaring, and unconcerned
Antonyms: caring, concerned, passionate, curious, self-motivated, feeling, sensitive, warm, interested, and excited
I am indifferent about receiving money, power, and respect.
2) Revere
Adore, Admire, Respect, Honor, Esteem, Extol, Praise, Love, Glorify and Worship
Antonyms: Despise, Disrespect, Hate, Criticize, Offend, Dishonor, Loathe, Humiliate, Detest and Dislike
One way to revere Him is to honor those He has placed in authority over me by doing what they ask.
3) Extol
Synonyms: Praise, Commend, Magnify, Revere, Approve, Celebrate, Bless, Honor, Congratulate, and Compliment
Antonyms: Complain, Groan, Bemoan, Criticize, Admonish, Correct, Rebuke, Blame, Chasten, and Reprimand
While I don't deserve it, the people often extol me.
4) Aesthetic
Beautiful, Decorative, Artistic, Cute, Poetic, Attractive, Picturesque, Handsome, Graceful, and Pretty
Antonyms: Ugly, Plain, Homely, Unpretty, Tasteless, Distasteful, Unartistic, Inartistic, Horrid, and Offensive
The artwork on the wall is aesthetic.
5) Banal
Boring, Common, Commonplace, Trite, Corny, Old, Mundane, Stereotyped, Ordinary, and Unoriginal
Antonyms: Interesting, Original, Creative, Innovative, Inspiring, Extraordinary, New, Novel, Fresh, and Exciting
Most of the stuff on television and in social media at large is banal unless we can innovate and improvise in order to make a difference in society.
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