Category: /General/
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A super moon illuminates the frozen fields..
It's cold light casts a shiver across the terra firma.
I walk upon its crisp glitter as it sparkles like the facets of diamonds.
Leaves long fallen strewn about still remnants of the Autumn.
Crackle apart from the weight of my footsteps.
My breath exhaled escapes into the night air. Visible as it leaves the warmth of my soul. Up to the heavens it dissipates backlit by the moon glow.
It is the night of moonflower in full bloom. Radiant in solitude beauty she warms my heart as coldness surrounds me. So close I can almost touch her cheek, smell her aromatic scent of pua.
She awaits my return to look into each others eyes again to see our souls smile.
Hugs of aloha by two wandering poets. To find each other once again in the words of friendship of spirits.
A romance of distant dreams come true will always be cherished.
A gift so rare is gift forever. To find the internal beauty of heart my ku'uipo.
Me ke aloha Pumehana,
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