1/4/19 Pastor Osteen's Staying Committed
Category: /General/
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I need to stay committed.You are a Faithful God.
I need to stay committed to my job.
I need to be a loyal person.
I need to be my best.
I am working unto You.
I need to be my best where I am.
You are the Source.
I need to start looking to You.
You control the whole Universe.
You have the final say.
You chose me because You knew I could handle it.
I need to go the extra mile and I need to do more than I have to.
You are telling me to stay committed and I need to stay faithful.
I need to do the right thing.
2 Kings 2
My dream is to serve You through helping others.
You have given me the desires to help the students and model Your faithfulness even after graduation.
I can cooperate with them in making a difference in society.
I am tempted to walk away from the negativity.
I need to stay loyal, consistent and faithful.
I should not give up.
Leaving is not an option.
I need to be my best at the job.
You stayed committed and this is one way I can reflect You.
Faithfulness is a fruit of Your Spirit and faith is a part of Your Character.
I should not settle for mediocrity.
You have created us for greatness.
When You put dreams in our hearts, they won't go away.
Your yes cancels out the no's of everyone.
You are the Son of God and the Holy Spirit is Your Father, Lord.
Mary didn't have You out of wedlock.
Your Spirit overshadowed her just like the angel prophesied.
I need to be someone You can count on.
We all make mistakes.
I need to be consistent even when life is complicated.
You are committed to me.
I need to stay committed to those You have placed in the life You have given me.
I need to be merciful just like You are with me.
I need to be a healer.
Amen, thank You.
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