Category: /General/
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Strange thing about natural conversation
It will never be what it used to be~
It once took a soul an hour to walk down town
Because they were stopped in conversation free~
Back when people would rid themselves of daily stress
By once talking to all they knew~
And when someone looked at you then
They always said hello my friend how are you~
Its all mostly gone by the way now
So much has taken conversations place~
People just don't seem to care anymore
In silence they mostly just look one in the face~
So many Would not know what a conversation was
They never learned from those that once did know~
Or from those that once lived when it was the way
In life all learning of life as they go~
So many back then taught by university life
And had a knowledge that now no degree~
Could ever provide for a soul or a mind
In a lifetime if could now live two or three~
So much is being lost , dying with the dead
Mostly the old ways will not be known at all~
Because not a lot enjoy daily conversation any more
It's all mostly now gone the writings on the wall~
The old school that learned of love your neighbor
And how they retained all their values too~
Many still could remember a good conversation
Because they loved a conversation true~
Back when people adored a conversation
Just because they loved to pass their time-
Talking to someone they knew or a stranger
Conversation so missed ever so divine-
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
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