Category: /Adults/
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Some boobies ain't boobiesSome boobies ain't real
You can squeeze them
To see how it is they feel
Some bounce when jumping
Others don't move no way
Like two plastic baggies
That are more like all clay
You see some people walking
And they don't move it's true
No need to have them in bra's
I've seen quite of them a few
These things bought by gays too
They don't cost a lot so they say
A few days in hospitals of choice
If they've the money can pay
It's true some boobies ain't boobies
They are't real boobies so to speak
At the age of now eighty there's no
Sagging no way down to their feet
Some boobies just ain't boobies
I've found that it's so very true
Some boobies they ain't boobies
But so great are they for a chew
terrence michael sutton
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