Listen to yourself
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Listen to yourself
I offer Marcos, a dancer with cerebral palsy - https://globoplay.globo.com/v/7349133/programa/ -
Today I saw how much we complain, and we do not know how to listen to our body, our soul.
Dance your own life, conquer with steps that we can give without interfering in the other.
Listen to yourself, and show yourself not to the world, but to thank God.
To listen to the pulsar of the soul, to satisfy one's own deficiency, to overcome obsessions and to conquer each day more the own space on the stage of Life, of Existence.
To be happy with certainty, to know how to overcome oneself, to know how to believe in tomorrow, but without forgetting to live today.
Thank you for listening to yourself, and to know of your virtues, and defects, to believe in the right of yourself.
And, know how to do your duty with pleasure and dedication.
Feed faith, focus, strength.
Be happy, and believe.
Peace and good.
Teka Castro.
Writer. Graduated in Chemistry.
Environmentalist. Spiritualist.
SP February 2, 2019.
Poem written on two websites:
http://www.escritas.org Search for Teka Castro and http://etastic.com (search for Tereza Cristina G Castro)
SUN Saturday, warmth, and life. Imagem: https://www.google.com/search?q=Imagens+Marcos+bailarino+com+paralisia+cerebral&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiO69bPmp3gAhV6DrkGHRMNA0cQsAR6BAgGEAE&biw=1440&bih=767#imgrc=DfDB4dwNA4gSlM:
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