10/22/18 Wake Up With Hope with Pastor Osteen
Category: /General/
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Acts 27:15You are a Faithful God.
I need to trust You.
You are in complete control.
The book of Daniel is helpful.
I need sustaining faith.
You are in control.
You have put a hedge of protection around me.
In Exodus, You caused Pharaoh to say no so that You could show Your power in a greater way.
What is now my test will become my testimony.
You are in control of the storm.
You are taking care of me.
Your ways are not my ways.
Some things I can only learn through experience.
You have ordained interruptions so that I can be a blessing.
You are in control of the storm, 526.
This is the message for today.
You are directing me.
You are teaching me.
You are leading and guiding me.
You are covering me.
I need to relinquish control.
Amen, thank You.
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