Being a Mother Today
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Being a Mother Today
What does society do today?
The family, yes, the family with a spiritual foundation, in the construction of a good citizen, against an entire media society, which induces values that are contrary to what the Word of God says.
Not to mention governments that turn a blind eye to bad individuals and arrest people who fight daily for better conditions.
Being a mother today is realizing that life is boring, everything we say hurts people, or is racist, or homophobic, or anything else. This often makes mothers lose a bit of their authority, but the Word says to pray and be vigilant. We do have authority as mothers to try to prevent our children from straying from the right path.
No one can change sex, no one can want to be more than God, and we, as mothers, are beings who gestate and give our bodies for the development of a new being.
We know that at some point, children, usually men, leave their homes, their homes, to find their wives and build their families. The house is empty, but time often brings back the prodigal son and gives us a new stage in life. Today, being a mother means getting older, the consequences of our lives, and children who often, when they are adults, say they know everything, but know nothing. Today, adolescence ranges from 15 to 30 years old, and until they mature, mothers often don't know what to say or do. However, mothers must pray and bend their knees to the Almighty God, because only then can their children, even if they have strayed from the path for a while, return to being the children the Lord deserved to love. Also, nowadays, younger mothers are often too permissive and end up letting many wrong things happen. They give their babies the latest technology and let them watch any media. They take children to shows like Madonna in Rio de Janeiro, which was more of an explicit orgy than a concert, and they say it was for the culture. I feel sad, and as a mother, seeing all this disappoints me. I am 57 years old, and I see that the world has inverted values and is too corrupt. That is why the world is the way it is, and if we mothers, in our faiths and religions, do not bend our knees to Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, Yahweh, Emmanuel, Oxalá, we have to unite and pray for a better world, in the Grace of God, because the Word mentions the apocalypse, and we have to teach, pray and watch.
Teka Mendes Castro, writer, and a very concerned mother who loves unconditionally: Alexia Cristina, 26, Emmanuel, 23, and the youngest Anna Clara, 21.
God help us!
SP 06 02 2025
8:28 PM
In the image, my parents and nephew wearing caps, my babies who grew up in the grace and glory of God.
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