

Category: /General/


The arc of the suns rays dissolve beneath the south Pacific tide.
Fleeting prisms of yellow and orange marmalade streak across the western sky.
Albatross reminisce upon the cliffs of Bali Hai.
In sacred shores of Pele the earth breathes fire.
Nature's wrath of creative birth inspires.
Our love endures in shaded palms of desire.

Swimming in rippling seas of solitude where soft hearts ache.
Wandering poets dream in virtue and fate.
Flowing in emotive streams of our verses gravitate.
Attracting in bonds of carbon, organic seeds of love incarnate.
We unite our common elements of time and space.
Our shaded touch of inspiration and love pervade.

In testament of soulful spirit of evolution.
We rest our eyes of intimate liason.
Lost in her Asian glow of cosmic reflection.
We invite the wind of opulent rhythm.
Whispering lovesongs to my lady of wildflower vision.
Across ocean fathoms in timeless motion.

Emerald reefs shimmer in our quest of life's ambition.
An invisible touch impressed upon our gardens of emotion.
In fertile seedlings of nurturing consummation.
Stars swirling in lunar twilight of constellation.
Falling from heavens into my embrace of soulful connection.
We share the inherent vitality of love and seduction.
Our souls entwined in permanent revolution.

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