


Talking to God

Category: /General/

Continue steadfastly in prayer,
Being watchful with thanksgiving;
Praying unto the Lord to share,
Your current outlook on living.

At the same time, pray for us all;
That God may open us a door;
Rescuing us from where we fall,
Declaring the mystery cure.

That I may make it manifest,
In which is how I ought to speak;
So that I may finish my quest,
Giving me the tools I may seek.

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders,
Making the best use of the time;
Convincing any backsliders,
By stopping of their sinful crime.

Let your speech always be gracious,
Being seasoned lightly with salt;
Responding with efficacious,
That ought to erase any thought.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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