
Truth and Deception

Category: /General/

The man to the elect lady,
The one whom he loves in the truth;
Who is gentle and is dainty
That He has known upon His youth.

Because the truth abides in her,
And will be within forever;
The baptism that did occur,
That will not falter or sever.

Grace, mercy, and peace that shall be,
From the Father and Jesus Christ;
That love through the Spirit we see,
Causes the truth to be enticed.

I rejoice greatly in the truth,
Following the children where they walk;
Told by the Father in their youth,
Words He commanded that they talk.

Now he will ask the dear lady,
Not as though it has been written;
A poem set to a melody,
Rather thoughts that are forbidden.

As we have from the beginning,
Showing love for one another;
And to avoid any sinning,
Against a sister or brother.

This is a love we hold to walk,
According to His commandments;
Like the sheep that are in His flock,
Abiding by His testaments.

Deceivers have gone through the land,
That has followed the antichrist;
While preaching on sinking sand,
Since Satan has made them enticed.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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