Category: /General/
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Depends on which wounds to lick
Catch a cold from demon toads
And the wrath is just desserts
The will of the problem is greater than the solutions
Which is why we'll never get it right
The slavers have a new waver they impose
Telling us to consume the status quo
like it's our only option.
Can't be left out
Fever is breaking but the swine is on the rise
Kid is resilient but he's got the stars in his eye
Victims come in masses and they leave messes
The second we let our guard down the second they come for our hearts
Like wolves in hiding
like the devil they tried to warn us of
Kill the message before the messenger can talk
Tell the same lies to keep us in circles
Keep reaching for the scheming pyramids that keeps us obsessed with fools gold
Flying catches and platinum/plastic jubilees
They're coming for our seconds and distracting us with flashy moments to suspend our grief
Never mind, the Pearl is on detail
Eyes moving rapidly as the songstress calms the dreamers who never learn
they'll be plenty of more wounds to lick
Earth turns and it burns
But profit margins are key
Poison kids with chemical spills
As Lennon said: smile as you kill
Nurture over nature
Poverty means peers are the law
They're choking on silver spoons
While we fight for a plastic spork
Be all that you can be
As long as your wealth is absolutely filthy
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