Category: /General/
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"EPIC" 🤙
As planets drift in galactic movement.
Orbits shift in compassionate silence.
Hearts beat in rhythmic song of arrangement.
Her breast sigh as our eyes meet in coelescing elements.
Subtle taste of juices upon her juniper lips.
In natural order of the universe.
Inspiration flows in freedom on the wings of the 'Apapane.
Pollinating sacred Ohia lehua flowers of our fruitful journey.
In mountain gardens fragrant souls blossom in morning aromacy.
Misty waterfalls glisten as our smiles swim in seas of destiny.
To enchant my beat of pulsing masculinity.
A November rain falls upon her irredescent moonflower dance.
Awash in the Milky Way stars of solitude I attest.
Spirits unite in the epic consciousness of Gilgamesh.
To defy the gods in fabled stories of love and friendship.
Transcending mortal boundaries, cradled by earthen soil and flesh.
In new lessons of wisdom of our multiverse..
Chapters of history unfold in our mythic quest.
Written in the stars of our poetic verse.
To quench our thirst on waves of convergence.
Distant thunder echoes in turbulence.
To stir our hearts in a nector of honeysuckle sustenance.
Dissolving our emotions into life's celestial charm and balance.
Uniting the courage of resolve in our arms of loving essence.
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