
Favor Restoration

Category: /General/

Let me hear what the Lord will speak,
To His people, He will speak peace;
But let them not turn back to seek,
To cause the armistice to cease.

Surely your salvation is near,
That glory may dwell in the land;
Remember to honor and fear,
The Lord and what He does command.

Steadfast love and faithfulness meet,
Righteous and peace kiss each other;
As the truth will spring up to greet,
Righteously unto each brother.

Faithfulness springs up from the ground,
Righteousness looks down from the sky;
As you will hear the trumpet sound,
As the righteous will glorify.

The Lord will give to what is good,
As our land will yield its increase;
A bountiful harvest that should,
Be considered a masterpiece.

Righteousness shall go before you,
Shall set in the way of His stride;
Advantageous for to construe,
Assured following to abide.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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