


Christian Life

Category: /General/

Put on as God’s elect,
The holy chose ones;
Compassionately select,
Humbled daughters and sons.

Bearing with each other,
Having mercy and grace;
Forgive one another,
Compassionate embrace.

Above all put on love,
Which binds it together;
Harmonious thereof,
Perfection to gather.

Let Christ’s peace rule your heart,
To be called and as one;
With one mind to impart,
Together with the Son.

Let the Word of Christ dwell,
In wisdom for teaching;
You’re willing to excel,
Wherever you’re preaching.

Singing a spiritual song,
With thankfulness in voice;
Singing it loud and strong,
Give thanks as you rejoice.

Whatever you may do,
Both in Word and in deed;
To Christ remaining true,
Planting the Gospel seed.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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