
True Fasting

Category: /General/

Is this not the fast that I choose,
Of the straps of the yoke undo;
For the bonds of evil to lose,
That crushes freedom to pursue.

Is this not Your bread that You share,
Bringing the poor into Your house;
Clothing the naked to show care,
A cordial regard by my spouse.

Your light shall break forth like the dawn,
Healing shall spring up speedily;
Evil wickedness shall be gone,
Bringing a tranquil civilly.

Your righteousness goes before You,
As glory shall be Your rear guard;
You shall answer with real value,
Inheritance for a reward.

For if You take away the yoke,
I will not speak the wickedness;
Break the evil bonds that provoke,
The vanity of my duress.

You pour out my soul those that thirst,
To satisfy the afflicted;
That the darkness no longer cursed,
Those that Satan has addicted.

Please guide me continually,
Satisfy hope in scorched places;
Like spring water spiritually,
Refresh to feel Your embraces.

Your ancient ruins be rebuilt,
As You shall raise their foundations;
Restorer of streets free from guilt,
Throughout many generations.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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