
The Forgiving God

Category: /General/

The Lord works righteousness for all,
Serving justice for the oppressed;
He made known because of the fall,
Because the people were obsessed.

His acts to them in Israel,
He is merciful and gracious;
A steadfast love is filled with zeal,
For His children are so precious.

He’s slow to anger not to chide,
Nor keep His anger forever;
If they repent and will abide,
Their relationship won’t sever.

He deals not after our sin,
Nor honored for iniquities;
For the trespass corrupts within,
Darkness affects abilities.

As high as Heaven above earth,
And so great is His steadfast love;
For their fear is showing true worth,
That is showering them thereof.

As far as east is from the west,
So far, He removes transgressions;
And assures them as to be blest,
When He accepts their confessions.

As a father shows compassion,
God shows His love to those who fear;
Continuing within a fashion,
To those who honor and revere.

Because the Lord knows our frame,
He remembers that we are dust;
His Book of Life will have your name,
If you put your honor and trust.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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