Co-founder Pro-Tips
Category: /Startup Tips/
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Start with the big problem
How to Measure Product Market Fit
Do this first if in doubt
YC Tips in 14 Slides
Form a Team of Benevolent Members
Customers, Co-Founders, and Capital
What Matters to YC?
Does the idea make sense? Do you know about it? Can you build it? Can you get customers?
How to Evaluate a Startup Idea
2024's AI Idea
Sam's Steps to Success
How to Build an MVP
Fund Your Startup With Revenue
Ask for pre-orders: or VC
Schlep Blindness - Paul Graham
Avoid These Mistakes
A Miracle
Paul Buchheit: focus, frugality, obsession, love
Focus and Frugality
Think Big for Success Early to Launch? OFTEN!
Partners You Want to Users
Founders' Responsibility to Investors
TAM and other metrics (
Timebox your way to startup product market fit
What makes the best founders?
Best Practices
Qualities of Successful Founders
Find a tech co-founder (Someone you like and that you get along with)
What YC Wants to See in Teams
Importance of Getting Market Ground Truth
Tarpit Ideas
Bad: a new undifferentiated social app. Good: High quality software that solves a major business problem so that companies can run more efficiently in a major industry.Example Seed Sizes
Door Dash Founder Video
How To NOT Get Screwed As A Software Engineer
Most important consideration:
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