
Serving Faithfully

Category: /General/

Be strengthened by the grace of Christ,
And of what you have heard from me;
In His presence that has enticed,
And many witnesses that see.

Entrust into the faithful men,
That are able to teach others;
So they will be becoming then,
In being sisters and brothers.

Stand as a good soldier of Christ,
Endure suffering of His fruits;
Sharing what He had sacrificed,
But not involved in civil pursuits.

Tangle not affairs of this life,
Complete according to the rules;
Cheating maybe will cause you strife,
That convicts judgment on the fools.

Farmers have the first share of fruit,
Praising God for a blessed yield;
From the hard work in his pursuit,
As the caretaker of the field.

Consider about what I say,
For the Lord gives understanding;
For all that you do every day,
To abide through His commanding.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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